August 29, 2024 - Y'all know what to do! What did you have for dinner tonight?

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
Last year, on September 3, I pressure canned beef stew. Tonight, I had a bowl. It turned out very tasty even if the evening was not soup weather yet. What about you?

Found some homemade tamales in the deep freeze when looking for something the other day. Roasted poblano, corn, cheese and a little green sauce inside, plus more on top for me. Shredded chicken or pork, neither of us can remember, onions, garlic, cheese, and red sauce, with more red sauce on top for Craig, plus a couple of my green ones.

I have prepped my food for cooking, but I'm not hungry yet -- I shouldn't have had that snack late this afternoon. It may be another late night cook, if I get hungry. If not, I'll need to cook it for lunch tomorrow.

I finally got hungry, and cooked something. It is also my One Pot Meal Challenge contribution.

Shrimp and veggie stir fry.

I found a good deal on wild caught USA shrimp. They were on the small side, but good. Bite size. The veggies were sweet onion (Texas 1015*), bell peppers and mushrooms. Seasoned with salt, pepper and diced garlic. Stir fried in avocado oil.


I have just enough left over for a light lunch tomorrow.


* Texas 1015 onions are a lot like Georgia's Vidalia onions. Developed by Dr. Leonard Pike at Texas A&M University in the 1960s. You now know more about Texas onions than you ever wanted to know.
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I went to bed at midnight, as usual, but couldn't sleep. So, I went upstairs to my office to work on a project that was bouncing around in my head. After a while, I got hungry. The leftover stir fry I was planning for lunch on Friday is now gone.

thursday night is Happy Hour! Spelt pizza with mexican cheese and black mushrooms. Drank a hard fresca vodka spritz with it.

dh had 2 fancy beers and a piece of leftover [pizza from an office meeting but added some of our home grown basil to it. the smell was fab ulous!!!
thursday night is Happy Hour! Spelt pizza with mexican cheese and black mushrooms. Drank a hard fresca vodka spritz with it.

dh had 2 fancy beers and a piece of leftover [pizza from an office meeting but added some of our home grown basil to it. the smell was fab ulous!!!

I saw someone drinking a Fresca a while back, and asked here, "Where did you get that?" I thought that soda died decades ago. :ROFLMAO:

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