Thursday, August 22, 2024 - What magic did you make in your kitchen?

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I used to love IHOP syrups. They would have a hopper on the tables with a bunch of flavors. I loved the fruit and nut flavors. Now they just have maple. :confused:
I used to love their butter pecan syrup.

I sometimes put a little extra sugar, not a lot, maybe 1/2 to 1 Tbsp, don't measure, for 8-10 good size pancakes, besides a little vanilla and milk, even a big dollop of sour cream.
Lot's of good sounding dinners last night, but not for me. I was sick yesterday. I had zero appetite. I did manage to get down a meal-replacement shake late last night.

I also managed a full breakfast this morning.

I hope you are feeling better today.
Yeah, still not a full appetite, I'm grazing small amounts at a time.

I hope you feel better soon.
When I was sick with gut issues I used meal replacement shakes, and after trying all different kinds I realized those made things worse for me. I will never use them again. I'm better off with rice, bananas, and veggie soup broth. It's been 5 years or so since I tried them. Hopefully they've improved since then.
I hope you feel better soon.
When I was sick with gut issues I used meal replacement shakes, and after trying all different kinds I realized those made things worse for me. I will never use them again. I'm better off with rice, bananas, and veggie soup broth. It's been 5 years or so since I tried them. Hopefully they've improved since then.

I keep a few bottles the Carnation "basics" around. I've had no issues. Some plain ground beef and chicken broth works, too. I'm allergic to raw bananas -- that would definitely make things worse.

I keep a few bottles the Carnation "basics" around. I've had no issues. Some plain ground beef and chicken broth works, too. I'm allergic to raw bananas -- that would definitely make things worse.

I keep that stuff around as well. I too use it for when I just don't feel like eating. I also have a big canister of "rich chocolate royale" Slimfast (that stuff is sooooo good) for the same purpose. Probably too much sugar, but it's not something I drink all the time. Besides, if that's all I'm having because I'm not feeling well, I could probably use a little of the sugar, as well as all the vitamins that are in it.
@Linda0818 we had an opportunity lost about 5 years ago. We'd both lost unwanted pounds and all that. Then my son went to work in a packaging plant. He could bring home large containers of excesses from that packaging plant for free. Every flavor, pounds and pounds of powdered chocolate slim fast in big containers (there are many chocolate types). We repackaged it. My hubs and I couldn't use it but he could. I think there are still quart containers of it in the pantry. I'll have to mention it next time he comes by.
I've always wanted to work in a dark chocolate manufacturing plant. Now I'm retired but there's still time. :D
@Linda0818 we had an opportunity lost about 5 years ago. We'd both lost unwanted pounds and all that. Then my son went to work in a packaging plant. He could bring home large containers of excesses from that packaging plant for free. Every flavor, pounds and pounds of powdered chocolate slim fast in big containers (there are many chocolate types). We repackaged it. My hubs and I couldn't use it but he could. I think there are still quart containers of it in the pantry. I'll have to mention it next time he comes by.
I've always wanted to work in a dark chocolate manufacturing plant. Now I'm retired but there's still time. :D
Oh my gosh! LOL. I'd say just let your son have it all. I wonder if it's still any good?
I always love to have dry fruits in my meal, but often fast food becomes a part of my lunch, but that shouldn't have happened.
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