Pressing smashburgers with wax/parchment or no?

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There is a Smashburger restaurant, about one mile down the street from me, and another about five blocks further, but I ain't never been there. There are so many burger places I just don't have the time or money to visit all of them, and out of all of them, I prefer In-N-Out. In fact, I like In-N-Out so much that they decided to build one right down the street, in between the two Smashburger joints.

What I would like to know is where you can buy those semi-opaque sheets they half wrap burgers in to keep them from coming apart in your hand, for home use. It is sometimes called cheese paper because some of the melted cheese always sticks to it and you have to scrape the cheese off with yor teeth.
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Is there a difference between smashing/forming/thinning smashburgers then cooking them and smashing them the instant they hit the grill? I always put like 4 oz. balls on the grill then smash them right away with a burger press. That, and I'm lazy and don't wanna hafta worry about forming them at all beforehand.
Is there a difference between smashing/forming/thinning smashburgers then cooking them and smashing them the instant they hit the grill? I always put like 4 oz. balls on the grill then smash them right away with a burger press. That, and I'm lazy and don't wanna hafta worry about forming them at all beforehand.
Your way is how to make a smash burger. You smash them on the skillet or flat top, not beforehand.

I use a very firm spatula or my bacon press

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