Sometimes You Just Get Lucky!

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Sometimes you just get lucky.

Our home is an Apple products home. Two iPhones, an iPad and a MacBook Air. I’ve been a fan for decades and like the way they work individually and together.

My laptop is an early 2015 model that I bought new in early 2017. The battery has been deteriorating slowly over the past 7+ years to the point that it was lasting less than a half day. I have been waffling between replacing the battery and buying a new laptop (because new stuff is fun).

Since our TV is getting old too (16+ y/o) and will need replacing soon, I finally decided to replace the battery. Last night I logged onto the Apple website and scheduled an appointment for this afternoon.

I showed up at the Apple store and met with an Apple Guy. He did some testing, checking and whatever and agreed I needed a new battery.

Then he hit me with a big shocker. Today, being the end of the month was coincidentally the last day Apple would support my laptop (because of its age). If I had gone in one day later, I would have been out of luck! The Apple Guy did some scrambling as the entire transaction had to be completed today! They had one battery in stock! He checked to see if they had a tech who could do the repair and they did!

He had to schedule my laptop for immediate repair and I HAD TO return later today to pay for it. Tomorrow would be too late.

He did, I did. Now I have a brand-new battery that will last me all day and more.

So, my not procrastinating and finally going to Apple and Apple’s responding in a super supportive way has saved me more than $1,000.00!

Sometimes you just get lucky.
LOL - well done Andy!

I had a similar issue. Complaints with my laptop from 6 months on and on the day before the insurance expired they fixed it, no charge, in store - without having to send it out which would have cost me 2 weeks plus without anything.
Next laptop, had so many complaints - they actually replaced it - but that model had been discontinued and I got the next upgrade - all for free.
(and although technically they were supposed to keep the old one there, they let me take it home and use it while the new one was being readied)
Sometimes it pays to be called 'Grandma dragn' every time I walk in the store. Even a new manager who has only seen me in passing, does extra little things when I have a question and the others are not around.
I've not had any problems with the batteries in my Apple products. My sister has -- I think it was an iPhone. It stopped taking a full charge sooner than it should have.

I have Ryobi cordless lawn and garden equipment, which I love, but the batteries don't last -- and they are expensive.

I've not had any problems with the batteries in my Apple products . . .
I don't categorize my issue as a problem. The battery is at least 7 years old and was subjected to daily use. I think it just aged. Apple tells you a thousand charging cycles is all you can expect. That's about three years.
Maybe along with address books, calendar for birthdays, we need a calendar with warranty expiration dates.
I'm glad to hear you made it under the wire @Andy M. :)
I just replaced the battery on my 13 year old HP a few months ago. It's possible I replaced the battery some 7 years ago too though I don't remember. I'm not seeing it in my order who knows.
Maybe along with address books, calendar for birthdays, we need a calendar with warranty expiration dates.
I'm glad to hear you made it under the wire @Andy M. :)
I just replaced the battery on my 13 year old HP a few months ago. It's possible I replaced the battery some 7 years ago too though I don't remember. I'm not seeing it in my order who knows.
blissful, this wasn't a warranty replacement. This particular model is over 9 years old and Apple discontinued its support of the product including out of warranty support.

I guess it's sort of a "You're dead to me!" thing.
blissful, this wasn't a warranty replacement. This particular model is over 9 years old and Apple discontinued its support of the product including out of warranty support.

I guess it's sort of a "You're dead to me!" thing.
So then, past the warranty, it is 'product support'? But product support was also over as of 'now'. Having never bought an apple product, it's different, and I don't really understand their service model.

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