What did you eat Monday, July 29, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Swedish meatballs and cauliflower with cheese sauce.

Salad again, it's too hot for anything else, but I tried to make it more appetizing. I try to cook only early mornings, if possible.
I boiled some multi-grains mixed with legumes, just 10 minutes, then after leaving them to cool, added tomatoes, sweet-corn, lettuce, canned tuna, seasoned with EVOO.
Quite tasty.
Quick pan-fried fish fingers for seconds.
No slow-cooking for me until this heat is over🥵.


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Funny story. I wanted to make Chinese on Monday and pre-made rice to make fried rice. After work I went to store to buy all the ingredients. Came home, only to remember that I took all the grades and burners to work to clean. They do get pretty dirty where it is easy for me to clean all that stuff at work. I brought almost everything home :ROFLMAO: . I forgot the round pieces for burners at work.
I ended up eating a sandwich.
I had some potato salad and "scrounged". There was a bit of chorizo, some salami, some rugbrød (heavy, Danish style, dark, rye bread) and some Wasa Sourdough Rye Crispbread. I had made the potato salad base on Sunday. Sunday I only dressed the amount I thought I would eat. I did the same Monday night, but used my usual mayo and apple cider vinegar combo as a dressing. I really enjoyed that potato salad. The rest was pretty good too. I had a slice of Swiss cheese on wholemeal and sunflower seed toast a bit later.
Funny story. I wanted to make Chinese on Monday and pre-made rice to make fried rice. After work I went to store to buy all the ingredients. Came home, only to remember that I took all the grades and burners to work to clean. They do get pretty dirty where it is easy for me to clean all that stuff at work. I brought almost everything home :ROFLMAO: . I forgot the round pieces for burners at work.
I ended up eating a sandwich.
Lately, I've had all six burners on my range, my dish drainer, and much of my countertops covered with containers of tomatoes, and other vegetables from the garden. So sandwiches and leftovers are the norm. In fact, I started a sponge 2 days ago, to make another batch of bread on the grill!
I discovered a newly opened fish monger not too far from where we now live, so we went to see what they were all about.
There is a substantial Italian and Greek population in the area that we moved to - generations descended from the mass immigration program of the 1950s. Australia was desperately seeking to increase its overall population to create industry and build a modern society.
Therefore, finding continental deli’s filled with all manner of small goods, fresh produce and cheese, meats and unusual ingredients tailored to the Mediterranean consumer is common.
This new fish monger had lots of fresh octopus, sardines and anchovy, calamari and whole fish - very fresh (although the owner was very sullen 😆)

Tempura Wild Barramundi with Chips 🫠

I was reorganizing the freezer and found a store bought pizza on the bottom. No idea how I missed that one. Anyway, it was a four meat pizza and I had some pineapple cups I bought a little while ago, plus some chopped olives and Canadian bacon in the freezer, so I threw all that on top along with some chopped onion. The only thing missing was the mushrooms.

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