What did you eat for supper on Wednesday 2024 July 24

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I had some beet greens. I sautéed them in some bacon fat with garlic and crushed hot peppers. Then, when it had wilted a bit, I added a couple of eggs. I also fried up some lonza that was starting to dry out. There was also some wholemeal and sunflower seed toast.

Beet greens, eggs, lonza, and wholemeal and sunflower seed toast sm.jpg
It's a lot like prosciutto, but cut from the pork loin. Here's the info about the specific lonza that I buy:

It looks like a meat version of potato chips in your photo. Pork chips... I like that idea. (y)

It looks like a meat version of potato chips in your photo. Pork chips... I like that idea. (y)

Yup, you can easily fry the pieces to chip like consistency. I don't like to cook good Italian style charcuterie, but when it starts getting dry or smells like the fat is beginning to get old, then I fry it up to use as a garnish. Yes, I have been known to snack on a few pieces before supper.

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