Saturday, July 13th, '24 Dinner?

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The 1000 island is from Kraft. Craig used purchased Marie's Ranch dressing for his vegetables. I've been known to use celery and carrot sticks with dressing for a snack, sometimes mushrooms and lightly steamed broccoli, using salad dressing for a dip.

Our cocktail sauce for shrimp is

About 1/3 cup ketchup
3-4 Tbsp prepared horseradish
Juice of half a lime more or less
1/2 to 1 Tbsp Worchestershire

Honestly, I eyeball everything so I'm guessing on amounts. The amount of ketchup is probably what I started with, but the rest is a guess because I make the mix first, then taste and adjust, generally adding a little more of the last 3 until I get the taste I want.
Thanks, that's pretty much how I would make a cocktail sauce too. That's the dark red one, isn't it? I also make Thousand Islad dressing by eyeballing the ingredients, the way my mum did.
dang! wish I was your neighbour offering you car rides! 'cause I just know you're gonna give them something scrumptious from your kitchen!
Actually, before the truck broke down, we had dozens of extra monster cookies and short bread cookies from a package i was sending to my son's roommate for his birthday, those went to the neighbors. And raspberries. And vidalia onions. it's good to have great neighbors offering to help!
you've reminded me that we can make a pineapple, onion, and roasted pepper pizza! i have home canned pineapple and home canned red roasted peppers!
We've been without a vehicle going on 8 or 9 days, with another week ahead of us-transmission rebuild, and only grocery shopping if we take advantage of the neighbors offers of help. We picked up melons, mandarins, bananas, tomatoes already. i think that will get us through until our vehicle is fixed.
Homemade pizza is easy, inexpensive and more wholesome, in my opinion, than ordering out or buying them frozen. Plus you most likely have all the ingredients you need for it. So that would be the perfect meal while you're waiting to get your transportation back. ;)
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