Coconut oil in sweetened condensed milk doesn’t melt???

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Senior Cook
Nov 6, 2023

I bought a jar of coconut oil and put it in the fridge.

When I pulled it out of the fridge it was hard. So I was still able to scoop out 2 table spoon clumps and mix it in a bowl with sweetened condensed milk.

I then put the sweetened condensed milk bowl and the coconut oil in the microwave and no matter how much I heated it the clumps of coconut oil wouldn’t melt.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

I've never mixed these two things together. I'm sure there is someone who might advise.

Will it melt when you heat it on a stove?
Microwaves only heat water, they don't heat oil/fat and they don't heat ice. So for it to melt, the surrounding moisture would have to be hot and transfer it's heat to the coconut oil to melt it. Stir.
Microwaves only heat water, they don't heat oil/fat and they don't heat ice. So for it to melt, the surrounding moisture would have to be hot and transfer it's heat to the coconut oil to melt it. Stir.
So then I should melt on stove in pan first and then add it to the mixture right?
Microwaves definitely will heat fat! Coconut oil has a relatively low melting point - 75° or 76° - but is hard in the fridge, and fairly firm just in the 60s. I put it in the MW to soften it, watching closely, as it can overheat quickly. I just heat a pint jar, maybe 15 seconds, to soften it enough to scoop out easily.

I'm thinking maybe the mixture was not getting over 75° in the short time in the MW (or a little lower, should soften it). It should eventually melt, but I'm just guessing.
@pepperhead212 you're right, it does heat fat. I think I was remembering that I don't heat fat in the microwave because of the over heating too easy issue. Thanks for straightening that out.
Microwaves definitely will heat fat! Coconut oil has a relatively low melting point - 75° or 76° - but is hard in the fridge, and fairly firm just in the 60s. I put it in the MW to soften it, watching closely, as it can overheat quickly. I just heat a pint jar, maybe 15 seconds, to soften it enough to scoop out easily.

I'm thinking maybe the mixture was not getting over 75° in the short time in the MW (or a little lower, should soften it). It should eventually melt, but I'm just guessing.
You hit it on the head Pepperhead 👍

That’s exactly what’s happening. Thanks so much. I think I will melt it alone first and then add it to the mixture ! Again thanks so much!
Slightly off-topic, but I got a set of these items to melt things in the microwave. Butter, chocolate, fats, etc. Each holds about a third of a cup and they clean beautifully in the dishwasher. It's one of a few items I call "Things I never knew I needed and now cannot live without." Love them at twice the price.
Coconut oil melts in my hands, why not in the microwave? Butter melts easily in the microwave and it's a fat.
I can see someone saying that the 20% of butter being water in the milk in it, being what heats up, but ghee is another thing that's hard in the fridge, and I soften it quickly in the MW, just to get some out, and it doesn't take long - 10 or 15 seconds.
To melt coconut oil with sweetened condensed milk, start by softening the coconut oil separately. Place it in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave in 10-15 second bursts, stirring in between until melted. Ensure the sweetened condensed milk is at room temperature or slightly warmed. Combine the melted coconut oil and sweetened condensed milk in a bowl. Microwave the mixture in short bursts, stirring well each time, until the coconut oil is fully melted and mixed smoothly. This method ensures even heating and prevents clumps.
Here's a little tip: try letting the coconut oil sit at room temperature for a bit before mixing it. Sometimes, when it's too cold, it can take a while to melt, even in the microwave. Also, make sure to stir it well with the sweetened condensed milk to distribute the heat evenly.
To melt coconut oil with sweetened condensed milk, start by softening the coconut oil separately. Place it in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave in 10-15 second bursts, stirring in between until melted. Ensure the sweetened condensed milk is at room temperature or slightly warmed. Combine the melted coconut oil and sweetened condensed milk in a bowl. Microwave the mixture in short bursts, stirring well each time, until the coconut oil is fully melted and mixed smoothly. This method ensures even heating and prevents clumps.
Also, You can buy coconut oil at chiltanpure. I also buy this place.
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