Would you choose these pictures in a photo contest?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
One of our Country's magazines is having its annual pet photo contest. I have entered before but never one. If I started entering now I could theoretically enter 53 photos of my pups (you can enter one per day to the closing date which is the end of March). I don't think I will get that many, but I would like to win. What do you think of these ones? Be honest!
VioletWakingUp.jpg SharingBed2.jpg

JoieHaircut1.jpg JoieYawn.jpg
I love how Violet's face looks so big and her feet so tiny in the first one! The inquisitive look on Joie's face is good too. If I were only going to choose three of these, I would leave the one of both of them in the dog bed out, but I still love it. Since you can enter that many times, start with your favorite, but enter them all. Then keep your camera handy for any good shots. (I hope I got their names and who is who right! I'm having to work on memory, with a cold!).

So enter as many pictures as you can, and good luck!

Ah Laurie, you have such cute pups! I especially like the first one, but all are good. They might be more effective for a contest if you can crop them down a bit, eliminating the background stuff. Just a thought.
(I hope I got their names and who is who right! I'm having to work on memory, with a cold!).

So enter as many pictures as you can, and good luck!


You got them exactly right! And thanks for the good luck. The first prize is a Dyson pet vacuum worth $700.00! The other prizes are good too, but with our new carpets that is the one I would like.
They might be more effective for a contest if you can crop them down a bit, eliminating the background stuff. Just a thought.

Thanks Karen. Yes, I intend to crop and enhance (I got 92 percent in my Photoshop class!) but I just wanted to see if anyone thought I had a chance before putting a lot of effort into this.
awwwww - I love the second one. Our dog won't even allow the cat to walk into the living room if we are all in there. She jumps down and "barks it out". Sharing a bed would NOT be an option, that's for sure! :LOL:
They are all precious, and with your photoshop abilities, you'll be able to "improve" them all.

I'd go for one a day, or as close to that as you can. You'll improve your chances of winning that vacuum the more pix you enter.
Day one entry!

Thanks everyone for your votes and vote of confidence. I went in to enter and there are about 300 entries from yesterday alone - I am behind a day :LOL:. Oh well, not everyone will put in one a day and besides, the best one wins, right? By the way, they pick 12 finalists and then the public gets to vote (not sure if those outside Canada can but I will check it out).

Here is my fixed up first entry. I titled it Violet's bedhead. I couldn't photoshop out the desk behind her, but cleaned up the carpet!


  • VioletWakingUp.jpg
    45.1 KB · Views: 143
I don't know about your photoshop skills... but, in terms of composition, I would try to get better pictures of them in natural light and maybe in a less cluttered setting so you don't have to rely so much on computer enhancements. Get them excited chasing a ball or playing Frisbee outside.

Don't get me wrong. The pictures are nice. I just don't know if these are contest winners.
I don't know about your photoshop skills... but, in terms of composition, I would try to get better pictures of them in natural light and maybe in a less cluttered setting so you don't have to rely so much on computer enhancements. Get them excited chasing a ball or playing Frisbee outside.

Don't get me wrong. The pictures are nice. I just don't know if these are contest winners.

I appreciate your critique. That is why I asked. I wanted to know if I have what it takes. Day 3's picture will be better. It is of Violet (same dog) in the snow!
Animal pictures are almost ALWAYS so much nicer in a natural setting with natural light. I liked your picture but thought it was a little too 'over exposed'. I took the liberty of making a few light alterations to illustrate.


  • VioletWakingUp.jpg
    31.3 KB · Views: 148
Z always has good photo advice. :cool: Another thing to remember, if the public gets to vote, it isn't (from what I've seen) usually the best quality photo that wins, but the one that gets the most "Ahhhhhhhhs!" Big eyes, goofy poses, photos that make your heart go to mush. Those will be the ones that will get the votes (unless it is a photography site, then the photo quality will be as important).

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