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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Sometimes we're looking for a specific food item, ingredient, that sort and the WWW is growing so fast with these things.

For me, I'm looking for foods from Hawaii that are not available here in Cowboyville Arizona :LOL:

The last time we went home (2019) I picked these up at the local Walmart in Honolulu.


We finally got a descent Sushi joint here, but the Shoyu (Soy Sauce) is NOT Aloha Brand ... can't stand the other stuff. :sick: I keep this in my purse for the times that we eat out.

Here we are 3 years later and I was down to the last coupla of Shoyu packets, so much so I have been rationing DH's Shoyu Dish. No bueno!

So I searched the Internet and finally just went to the Aloha Shoyu website directly.


I bought a CASE of Soy Sauce packets!!! :clap:
500 packets should last us a bit, don'tcha think? :ROFLMAO:

What have you been searching and finally found?
Lol nice! I’m more of a Kikkoman consumer myself. But got plenty of family that only swears by Aloha lol
Another box came! :clap:


Diamond Bakery Royal Cream Crackers :wub:
I went over to their website and found free shipping :ohmy: NO, really! So I ordered 6 flats of crackers.
It's hard for me to describe these crackers, they're more like a cookie, to me and DH anyways.
I had to hide them so that he doesn't devour them in a week :LOL:
Post Office employee's have the funniest looks sometimes..

My huge Cuisinart Mixer came via the Post - she had to open the back roll up delivery door to help me get it in the van.

And another time - I was so excited to get this parcel - she showed the greatest restraint in not asking what it was... I was impressed, so told her...

It's an egg.

...got that stare

an Emu egg! to carve!

same look... "oh."
Post Office employee's have the funniest looks sometimes..

My huge Cuisinart Mixer came via the Post - she had to open the back roll up delivery door to help me get it in the van.

And another time - I was so excited to get this parcel - she showed the greatest restraint in not asking what it was... I was impressed, so told her...

It's an egg.

...got that stare

an Emu egg! to carve!

same look... "oh."

Our Post Mistress is so funny!
Whenever I get a box from Hawaii, she's so excite for me, I love it !!
AND she knows when DH has ordered something online, he ALWAYS gets the shipping address wrong!
(UPS, FedEx, DHL and the lot will not deliver to a "P.O. Box #" - you have to use the post office's physical street address with "unit #" to get it there - ya neva know what company will be delivering your orders anymore!)
She tries to catch them before the underlings return to sender-undeliverable, god bless her! She knows her neighborhood.
Mental note: take some nice baked goods to her during the holidays as a thank you.
Thanks for sharing. Do you use the black salt? I saw some pink salt at the store ... I think it was a Norway product & very pricy.
Thanks for sharing. Do you use the black salt? I saw some pink salt at the store ... I think it was a Norway product & very pricy.

Cookiecrafter, after moving from Oahu to Arizona, I have a heck of a time finding Uahi or Black (Lava) Sea Salt (or any other products from Hawaii :))
It's used really as a finishing Salt, I mostly use straight up Hawaiian Sea Salt.
But I see that you are in Chicago, maybe you have a Wildfork near you? They have their own brand from Hawaii.
Welll...I forget to use it a lot because it's in a drawer. But when I do, I like the look of it. Even Himself is impressed. He calls it fancy. It basically tastes like regular Kosher salt to me.
We ship packages via USPS and UPS everyday. Like UPS the USPS allows the post person to take up to 70 pound packages for priority mail. We have customers on military bases through out the world. The only way to ship to them at reasonable costs is via USPS. With packages 20+ pounds, I will drop them off at the post office. It po's me to no end at how most of the mail carriers try to avoid picking up smaller packages including their own flat rate envelopes and boxes. Instead of coming in the door, they will drop mail through the slot, even forcing it open if it is taped closed, knowing we are inside.:ermm:

On a side note, most of our large boxes weigh 45 to 50 pounds. We sometimes have a temporary UPS driver. Once it has been a young woman that can't possibly weigh 90 pounds soaking wet.:ohmy: Don't know how she does it, but she manages to get all the boxes.
Cookiecrafter, after moving from Oahu to Arizona, I have a heck of a time finding Uahi or Black (Lava) Sea Salt (or any other products from Hawaii :))
It's used really as a finishing Salt, I mostly use straight up Hawaiian Sea Salt.
But I see that you are in Chicago, maybe you have a Wildfork near you? They have their own brand from Hawaii.

I was given a white & black salt set a long time ago. Used the white for cooking (soup, stews, etc) and the black for table salt. Enjoyed it. Thanks for Wildfork info. I will look for it.
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