Sunday Supper 1/23/22

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Just finished pizza..

What did you have?


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Rescued a boneless turkey breast from the freezer along with some leftover
Thanksgiving stuffing and a freshly roasted butternut squash for a turkey dinner.

Did the breakfast for supper thing tonight. I made a ham and onion oven omelette with baby Swiss cheese, paprika potato cubes, and a fruit mix of red navel oranges, raspberries, and cherries. So good!

Homemade Cheezburger helper.

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Wow, I haven't had tbat since I was a kid. My mom made it fairly often.
Your's looks so good and cheesey.

Rescued a boneless turkey breast from the freezer along with some leftover
Thanksgiving stuffing and a freshly roasted butternut squash for a turkey dinner.

View attachment 50836

Last Thanksgiving I broke out the Foodsaver and vacuum sealed leg and thigh meat, stuffing, and squash puree and stuck it in the freezer so I could enjoy it again without much effort. I LOVE roast turkey dinner. All I need to do is add a can of cranberry sauce and some gravy, and I'll be all set.

Since it's soup weather, I made a big pot of my McKale's Navy bean soup. My wife used to proclaim that she would never eat kale until I started making this soup. Now it's a regular request on cold nights. Here's a pic from a cold day last January. I have a recipe if anyone's interested.


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That soup does look good Bucky. I would like to see the recipe. I am not fond of kale, but we have discovered that it is good in soup and the texture holds up better than some other greens.
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