Petty Vents

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think it was she was not on her own home playing field.

It could be just as simple as that Kgirl. I mentioned before that I hate being a house guest also. I adept well to hotels but but not to spending more than a few hours at a time in someone's home. When we are older and set in our own routine, it gets harder to adapt and "go with the flow" like we did in our youth.
Hope you're feeling better friend. :flowers:
Sorry to hear that your Mom-time wasn't everything you were looking forward to, K-Girl. I'd say "maybe next time", but I guess that won't happen unless you stay at HER house.

...She's been told that she will live a long and healthy life, as most of her relatives have, and she's not too happy about that...
As Himself said when told your Mom wishes she wasn't living so long: "Here, let me help you!". :ermm: :ohmy:
Hey Guys! I know you all meant well from the depths of your hearts... but... this thread is called ""petty"" vents.
This is a place to let off steam, where we can all sympathize and laugh in the knowledge that we have all 'been there - done that'.
Hey Guys! I know you all meant well from the depths of your hearts... but... this thread is called ""petty"" vents.
This is a place to let off steam, where we can all sympathize and laugh in the knowledge that we have all 'been there - done that'.

I don't think it's for you to decide what people want when they post here. Some want to blow off steam, some want comfort, some want suggestions. They will let us know if responses aren't helpful.
Hey Guys! I know you all meant well from the depths of your hearts... but... this thread is called ""petty"" vents.
This is a place to let off steam, where we can all sympathize and laugh in the knowledge that we have all 'been there - done that'.

On a kinder note, we used to have a thread called "Venting". But it got lost in the mayhem along the way. So now all venting seems to appear in this thread. Just like there are some "vents" and some "petty vents", there are some kinder folks and some that are not.
I have to vent somewhere and this is a good a place as any. The USA grown lamb for stew being sold in reputable supermarket chains isn't lamb anymore, it's just like beef. I do NOT like the packaged lamb from New Zealand that is very gamey tasting. The package looks unappealing too (blood soaked). I used to get USA lamb for stew that was more grass fed, about 20 years ago (at Albertsons). It was tedious as hell to remove all the sinew and fat from the stew meat, but it was worth the time. Todays USA lamb is so grain fed that when you bite into a stewed piece of it, it immediately breaks up in your mouth with a beef like fiberous texture, which is fine if making beef stew. It's not lamb now. It's a hybrid.

The cost of land and water these days no doubtidly factors into this unfortunate situation.

P.S. US grown lamb in chops and such have a little better texture and taste, but do you know how expensive it would be to cut up 1/2" cubes from shoulder chops to make 2.5 lbs. of stew meat for my lamb curry recipe? About $70+. :rolleyes:
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I'm curious, Cas, what cuts of lamb do you use for stew?
In my experience, using boney cuts like shoulder or neck are fantastic for stew.

Do you really need uniform cubes?
When I'm after a rack of lamb, which isn't often, I go for the Australian lamb at Costco. Australian lamb is from a smaller animal so the rack is smaller. It's more grass fed vs. grain fed in the USA so it actually tastes like lamb rather than beef. I buy lamb because I want the taste of lamb.
I don't buy lamb that isn't from Costco. IMO their Australian lamb is far superior to any American lamb I've tasted. Like Andy said, it tastes like lamb.
I do admit I have to block out the memory of bottle feeding a wee lamb in Australia. :cry:
2018 Edition - No Vent too big or small Venting thread

Got a gripe, peeve, annoyance that you want to voice. Here is the place.

My vent is - Who the hell gave insurance companies the right to play God?

My doctor has been practicing medicine for years and when he gives me an RX I should be able to go to a drug store and get it filled. No questions or hoops to jump through. What right does the insurance company have to NOT approve an RX for a diabetes med?
I agree MsM. Even worse, my HSA has now taken up the same practice. It used to be that when I went in to pick up anything medical related, I could use my HSA money with no questions asked. Now they've come out with a list of allowed items. If it's not on the list, I can't pay for it with HSA funds.

Considering that the money going into it is MY money funded by MY salary, I should be able to use it as needed.
Do we REALLY need another "venting" thread?

It's a shame that the "Petty Vents" and the "Venting" thread aren't enough. :rolleyes:

Too bad the "Last thing that made you smile" and "The Thankfulness Club" don't get the same kind of traffic.

Actress and animal activist Betty White turned 96 - 96! - this week. You want to know what she attributes her long like to? "Positivity" That, and vodka and hot dogs. :LOL: As much as we all have things to complain about, and rightly so, maybe we should also cultivate more positive mental attitudes. And drink more vodka. If you ever go to Savannah, GA, I highly recommend a tour of Ghost Coast Distillery...and their vodka. ;)


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CG...I've only posted a few times on the currant venting threads but just one thread should be enough me thinks. My vent is it's a real turn off when someone declares rules for venting or responding, as has recently happened. :rolleyes:
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CG...I've only posted a few times on the currant venting threads but just one thread should be enough me thinks. My vent is it's a real turn off when someone declares rules for venting or responding, as has recently happened. :rolleyes:

That is why we have moderators. And they do an excellent job.

Sometimes we have a major vent at "that" moment. But we aren't near the computer. So we continue to do what we were doing. By the time we get to sit at the computer, that major vent has become a petty vent and sometimes even laughable. So that simple Major vent has turned into a Petty vent without any direction or statement of their own rules from any member.
I really needed one of the moments where someone is knocking on your head for something stupid you did.

I had an 11 a.m. appointment with my lawyer today. I also had a 10:30 a.m. appointment for the nurse to change my dressing. So there is a knock on my door and I am thinking it is the nurse. The knock and my phone ringing woke me out of a sound sleep. I yell "come in." So this lovely young woman comes in, takes off her coat and I am cutting off my dressing. "Anything I can do to help?" I point to the large shopping bag with all the medical supplies in it. "Well, I am going to need 5x5's, 2x2's, sterile water and sterile saline solution, etc." Then comes another knock on the door. Before I can yell to come in, she does. Then I recognize her. It is "the Nurse". Here's here where you need to use that hammer on my head. I thought the first one was a new nurse. It was my lawyer. I gave you a very profuse apology before she left and she was able to see for herself just how bad my open wounds on my leg are. But she stood there and watched every thing the nurse did to my leg and what I am going through.

I have only met my lawyer once and for a very short time. And it is a daily surprise as to what nurse I am going to have today. In fact I got a different nurse for the afternoon dressing change. So you can understand why I was so confused.

Boing! Boing! Boing! If anyone wants to join in, feel free! Just bring your own hammer.
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