Trader Joe Products That You Didn't Care For

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I was thinking it might be helpful to the entire community to have a thread about items that we've tried at Trader Joe's that wasn't so much for us.
After having read through alot of this thread :

I wanted to share some things that my husband or I haven't cared for,
like their frozen pre-cooked Meatballs, meh, not so much. They were
mushy and the flavor was a bit off for us.
Apparently these are swill, according to the reviews I've seen. Haven't tried them yet, will use DH as my guinea pig:

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Did not care for the canned yellowfin tuna, but I have a very high-tuned fishyness taster. DH thinks it's fine.
Did not care for the canned yellowfin tuna, but I have a very high-tuned fishyness taster. DH thinks it's fine.

I agree with you - to fishy and oil taste is unpleasant.

Didn't care for the meatballs, lemon curd, the blintz were not very good either.
I've been shopping there for years, and I can't think of anything to actually complain about, but I'll keep looking. ;)

I've said before, there's no other store I know of that will give your money back with a smile on something you just don't like.
We've enjoyed most of the TJ's stuff that I buy, but since the nearest TJs are either 3.5 or 7 hours away, it's a once a year thing.

Costco has a good return policy too.
We went to TJ's today for some of our regular staple items
(and loads of snacks too) :w00t:

and I don't know about y'alls Trader Joe's, but ours offers
free samples of select items.

On this day there was a tasting of
[photo courtesy of TJ's Fearless Flyer]
Article | Trader Joe's

HMMMMMM, not so much... weird texture, I DID NOT buy any ... now granted,
I do like squash, many types, but this one, nope.
It took my entire 'where-for-all' to get that down
and NOT find a trash bin to spat it out. :yuk:
DH, well, he was in the next aisle LONG before I
even reached for that Dixie cup.
Garlic and Cheese Bread Sticks

Big thumbs down on this product!
Bought a package the other week to send upstairs to Mr & Mrs Landlord with another squash dish for their late night at work.
I tasted the squash and it was VERY yummy (Spaghetti Squash Parm) :yum:
But I didn't taste the bread sticks until I made Chicken Parm for us the other night. (I kept them in the freezer until we had ours)
They are to be heated in the oven for 5-7 until golden.
First off, they didn't get golden and then next, they tasted stale and very heavy is the best I can explain, nasty to me. Oily and heavy, not that much cheese flavor and not even a nice bread kind of taste. :yuk:
DH and I shared one and threw the rest out.

I DO NOT recommend this product.
I have tried hard to like their products but I have been very disappointed in all their frozen food except fish sticks.

I buy maple syrup and nuts there now. Some of their cheap wine is drinksble
I think we've been twice to TJ's and weren't impressed much. If I never go into one again, no great loss. We have several Doris Markets to choose from. They are family owned Italian markets which never disappoint. I really should stay away from their bakery!:ohmy::pig:
I put together a Build-Your-Own Taco Bar for the big game this afternoon with our Dear Friends.
I decided on trying TJ's Carnita
Article | Trader Joe's
It's going back!
Really didn't care for the texture, quite frankly.
The flavor was "off" some how,
just YUK! :yuk:
Fortunately, I also grilled some Carne Asada and Pollo Asado, and
Missus Dear Friend brought over Spicy Shrimp and Lime Cod.
I haven't found anything at Trader Joe's, or parent company ALDI stores that really make me want to bother going back. Maybe my expectations were just to high, based on the praise I've heard for both of them.



Well, that's unfortunate. Neither DH nor myself have ever had Scones before and the other day I was out grocery shopping with Missus DearFriend. She highly recommended TJ's Blueberry Scones.
Um, it's a huge NO!
Don't tell Mrs. DF, oh and HEH! [digging through trash can] Wait just a cotton-pickin-minute there cowboy!
We're taking this back for a store credit, never mind refunding my credit card, I'm sure we can find other things that we do like :LOL:
I shop a lot at TJ's...

I have been disappointed mostly with bread... I'm old and old fashioned I guess as I just don't like what I call 'heavy bread".. :rolleyes:
I still look for that horrid white, squishy, no nutrition Wonder/Rainbow type bread..

We didn't care for their Cowboy Caviar or their Bacon Jam... Had better of both from other sources..

I kind of pick and choose, read a lot of reviews and do not have many complaints about TJ's products...
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