Thursday, 4/21/2016, Do you Bulgogi?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Started the dinner thread early because I just made the marinade and put the sirloin strips in to marinate for bulgogi. Using the My Korean Kitchen recipe since we love her bibimbap recipe. First time making bulgogi. We'll have a spicy cucumber salad and a bean sprout salad for banchans plus jasmine rice.
Beautiful day today, so I'll be grilling a monster rib eye around 1:00 and having lunch on the patio. Sautéed mushrooms and onions and a salad will be sides.

There's no way I could eat that whole thing in one meal, so I figured it would be a super early dinner, then I may nibble on the steak this evening. Hopefully steak and eggs in the morning will finish that baby off. :ermm::LOL:
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I'm repurposing some leftover hamburgers that DH brought home from a work lunch into spaghetti sauce, because, why not? Pitched the buns, crumbled the burger patties, and threw it into the sauce.
I'm repurposing some leftover hamburgers that DH brought home from a work lunch into spaghetti sauce, because, why not? Pitched the buns, crumbled the burger patties, and threw it into the sauce.

Why not indeed?

The visual image I get whenever someone says they threw ingredients in cracks me up. "Get in there! Bam! Bam! Bam!" :ROFLMAO:
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Thanks for the recipe GG. I'm inspired to cook my Bockwurst from the German deli with that recipe too. Ahhh some alone time at the grill on this beautiful day with my music, book, and vino.
Beautiful day today, so I'll be grilling a monster rib eye around 1:00 and having lunch on the patio. Sautéed mushrooms and onions and a salad will be sides.

There's no way I could eat that whole thing in one meal, so I figured it would be a super early dinner, then I may nibble on the steak this evening. Hopefully steak and eggs in the morning will finish that baby off. :ermm::LOL:

Done with my early dinner. I polished off the salad and the 'shroomies, and maybe a third of the steak. It was delicious! Everything's cleaned up and I'm stuffed. :yum: Tyler will be here in 30 minutes, we'll play ball outside and I can work off some of that meal. :ermm::LOL:


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My intention has been to make bulgogi, but my reality is that I haven't...yet.

We'll have big tossed salads, followed by smaller bowls of polenta with sautéed onions, bell peppers, and Italian sausages.
:yum: Cheryl, I would happily dispose of your leftovers, in case you don't have room in your fridge.
Started the dinner thread early because I just made the marinade and put the sirloin strips in to marinate for bulgogi. Using the My Korean Kitchen recipe since we love her bibimbap recipe. First time making bulgogi. We'll have a spicy cucumber salad and a bean sprout salad for banchans plus jasmine rice.

Her recipes are usually good. Glad she is back to writing.
I didn't like the spicy cucumber salad at all, not the heat, just the taste. Craig put some hoisin in and that made it edible. The bulgogi was good. I prefer the bibimbap. But the bulgogi was definitely a make again, we'll probably not cut up the meat before marinading and cook it on a grill. I think that will improve the flavor and texture greatly.

PPO, I don't know if she is writing again or not, these were both pretty old recipes. She has published some E-books though.

Well, today was supposed to be cooler. It is, but not by that much though. So although I did finally do some cooking this morning, I'm flaking off for supper.

For breakfast (don't judge me here LOL) I had toasted crostinis. They were pretty darn good and for lunch I'm having oven roasted potatoes. The only reason I'm putting all that in there is to show you I am going to be so warm and so stuffed by suppertime that I'm just going to have a salad.

This one is going to be another experiment. I'm toasting what I hope is stale enough cubed bread (in reality it should be 3 days old French bread but I'm actually toasting 6 hour old regular bread) in olive oil and then making a dressing of red wine vinegar, olive oil, and cherry tomatoes. I found some chocolate cherry tomatoes at a supermarket I went to on Sunday and in my zeal I bought 2 pints of them. So I have to start using them up before they go weird. Of course, I'm eating them like candy, too, so that helps.

I think what I'm having is called panzanella. Anyway, it sounds good and if I end up not liking it, I can always make some popcorn.
Simple dinner tonight. We got a loaf of awesome sourdough bread at a local bakery yesterday. I drizzled a little EVOO on a sheetpan and cut 2 slices of the bread and put them on the pan topped with some pasta sauce, pepperoni, green peppers, and sliced mozzarella (didn't grate it). Baked at 350 for about 10 minutes to melt the cheese. Served with a salad. Yum.
We love panzanella in our house, rr. :yum: I hope you enjoy yours.

Himself commented on liking polenta as if it were the first time he had it. I reminded him that we have had polenta. :ermm: I hope he's just messing with me (something he does often) and not that his memory is going. Anyway, I think we had way more veggies today than recommended. :yum:


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Love bulgogi, and gal-bi, and bipimbap, and...and...

Went to the city tonight to move my daughter out of her residence. She just completed her first year of university. How time flies. Anyhoo, wasn't going to miss an opportunity to eat so we met my son downtown and went for some dim and sour soup, spring rolls, shrimp dumplings, salt and pepper squid, crispy beef, greens,....
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