Off Brand Vacuum Bags and Rolls

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Master Chef
Oct 19, 2013
Southeast US
I am looking for a good deal on vacuum bags for my Food Saver vacuum machine.
I have found some off brand rolls for a very reasonable price.
Amazon and EBay is where I saw them.

2 - 50' x 11" rolls for between $22 and $28. No thickness is listed. I think the Food Saver bags are 4mil?
Anyhow, has anyone tried these off brand bags, where did you buy them and were you satisfied?

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I buy what I find cheapest. I haven't bought any off of the internet because when I want them I want them now. I know I could save a few bucks by planning ahead that's not my nature on these type of things.

I've used off brand rolls and never had a problem with them. They've sealed and kept the seal as long as was needed. Please don't ask what brands they were because I couldn't tell you. ;)

As to where I got them. Wally world once had some but now I only see the Food Saver rolls there. K- Mart was another place along with the local hardware store. They sell everything. :D

I say go for it. How tough to they need to be for life in the freezer. :)
I purchase rolls of bags from I have ordered many different things from them, and they've always been reliable. Folks on another forum I frequent also use them.

Commercial Vacuum Sealer Bags | Vacuum Packaging Bags - WebstaurantStore

These bags work for me - both for storage and sous vide. I've had no problems and the price is right.

Prices are better than what I have found. Thanks very much!

BTW, Food Saver brand is only 3mil thick.

So I'm sold. Same thickness, less than half the price of the brand name rolls. Thanks again.
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