What is your "Best Gift Idea Ever?"

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
The gift-giving season is upon us in full force. What is the best thing you ever came up with as a gift for someone, or something that someone gave you that made you go WOW?

Somewhere around the 15-20 year anniversary mark I hit a wall for a creative Christmas gift for Himself. Refused to go the sox-and-undies route. Knew he liked fine brandy - well, I thought he did. He prefers cognac since it is less sweet. However, Year One I bought a bottle of a nice brandy, and a very nice Mikasa etched crystal brandy snifter. Bingo! Winner! Since then I've bought a different, quality sipping beverage each year so he can keep using the glass. He looks forward to each year's find. We made it through a lot of different cognacs and started to repeat, so a couple years ago I switched to Bourbon. Bless his soul, Himself manages to make that bottle last all year long!

Do you have a special memory of a gift given or received that was just the most perfect idea? Share, please!
Oops, almost forgot! Himself found this online last night. When I sat down to watch it with him I got all sniffly. What a great thing WestJet did!!! Of course it has probably gotten them a lot of interest from the marketing aspect, but it was still pretty sweet and special anyway.

If you haven't seen the video of Santa in the Canadian airport, grab a tissue and have a seat:
WestJet Christmas Miracle: real-time giving - YouTube
Well of course every gift I have given has been perfect, so there are too many to name :rolleyes:
But one year my father gave me his WWII medals/ribbons, some pics, all in a nice display he had made and that made me go wow.

When they started this whole "Black Friday" trend several year back, it very much soured Mrs. K and I on the whole idea of gift giving. Seeing people stand in line for hours just to buy stuff was kind of an eye opener at how materialistic we've become as a society. So after our daughter turned 18 and went off to school, we decided that would be the end of Christmas gift giving for us. We don't give gifts and we ask people not to give us any in return.

The holiday season in our house is celebrated by doing two things every year. First, we try to spend one day doing something for those who are less fortunate. A couple of years ago we worked in a soup kitchen. This year we're taking some of the money we would've spent on gifts in the past and donating it.

Second, we head off somewhere (preferably warm) for a family vacation. In two weeks we're taking DD and her BF to Las Vegas. Next year we're thinking either San Diego or the gulf coast.

So... the best gift idea for me has been giving up gifts, and instead trying to do something enjoyable that doesn't involve trees or fat guys in red suits (although I look a little like that in my long undies :ohmy:).
Speaking of Bourbon, have you tried Crown Royal Maple Finished Canadian Whisky Review - Drink Spirits
Actually, I guess it's Whiskey, but it's just flat out wonderful !!

I think my best gift is this year with Cheyenne Marie, my beautiful new grand daughter.

As a kid, my best gift was my pogo stick.

There are some wonderful unique gift ideas on this site..Experience Gifts, Experience Gift Certificates, Unique Gifts, Adventure Gifts, Activity Gifts and Things To Do
A couple of years ago I gave Steve a helicopter flying lesson from there and he said it was the best thing he ever got. He has flown everything else except an airliner and I sure couldn't manage that. ;)
I keep trying to persuade DH to just spend Christmas money on a trip for us, but he likes to buy me things and open gifts under the tree, so we set a budget. I've already spent $80 of it on Amazon Prime ;) One year, he gave me my first set of good knives and another year, a set of Calphalon SS cookware.

A few years ago, when work was extremely stressful, DH gave me a gift certificate for a trip to a day spa with a fabulous masseur whom I had seen before. It included a facial, manicure, pedicure, massage and lunch. It was wonderful, and just what I needed at the time. :wub:
Hmmm mine was my birthday this year. Honey bought me a laptop. Not a big deal to most, but, he HATES me being on the computer, but, he bought it for me because he knew I have wanted one. Plus, I sit on the couch with him, lol
Christmas, so far, my son quitting smoking!! He does the vapor and is doing great!
Due to poor health my sister had to retire and adjusting to a reduced fixed income was causing her a lot of grief. Come the first of October I had a brilliant idea.

Since I don't drive, I asked her to take me to BJ's (like Costco's) where I proceeded to buy in bulk a case of toilet paper, six gallons of bleach, paper towels, napkins, laundry soap, fabric softener, Windex, Brillo, face soap, etc. All taxable items in Massachusetts. She thought I was mad. She was complaining that I couldn't use all that stuff in a year. We loaded up the car and she helped me get it all in the house. I bought a massive amount of wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, etc. I then hit the supermarket for all of their biggest boxes. There were about eight boxes.

I had a friend help me load up the back of his truck to deliver all of the wrapped boxes to my sister's house. Her daughter had called me and told me she had gone shopping and wasn't going to be home for a couple of hours. It was Christmas Eve. When she got home she saw the boxes. They were from Rudolph, Mrs. Claus, Donner, Blitzen, etc. My name was missing completely. Her daughter told her she had no idea. She was up in her room and didn't see or hear anything until her mother had called her downstairs. What a great liar! My sister didn't open them until the next morning. She was stunned to find she had actually helped me get her own gifts. She had a Tax Free Christmas. A lot of those items lasted her for more than six months. All cash items that you couldn't buy with food stamps. :angel:
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My father died in early November 1973. It was quite a blow to me and my younger siblings as it was a sudden heart attack. There's the foundation of my "best gift" idea.

Daddy was a very sentimental man and his children were his be all and end all. When we cleaned out his office desk (he was a physician), we found many beautiful keepsakes.

He'd kept ALL our baby teeth that we'd put out for the Tooth Fairy. There were 5 little parcels with each of our names on them, our teeth inside the corresponding envelope. Along with those, he'd also kept most, if not all, of our letters to Santa. The ones we left on Christmas Eve with the plate of cookies and milk and the carrot for Rudolph. Some were in crayon; some in pencil. All innocent and childlike. All sweet.

There were countless other treasures relating to each of the five of us. All tucked away and carefully packaged by our father.

I distributed everything to the appropriate sibling...except the Santa letters, which I kept.

The following year, after careful consideration, I chose the 4 best letters. One for each of my siblings.

For each of their Christmas gifts, I presented them with a wooden plaque with their childhood letter decoupaged onto it. Preserved forever.

I haven't bested that one yet.
My father died in early November 1973. It was quite a blow to me and my younger siblings as it was a sudden heart attack. There's the foundation of my "best gift" idea.

Daddy was a very sentimental man and his children were his be all and end all. When we cleaned out his office desk (he was a physician), we found many beautiful keepsakes.

He'd kept ALL our baby teeth that we'd put out for the Tooth Fairy. There were 5 little parcels with each of our names on them, our teeth inside the corresponding envelope. Along with those, he'd also kept most, if not all, of our letters to Santa. The ones we left on Christmas Eve with the plate of cookies and milk and the carrot for Rudolph. Some were in crayon; some in pencil. All innocent and childlike. All sweet.

There were countless other treasures relating to each of the five of us. All tucked away and carefully packaged by our father.

I distributed everything to the appropriate sibling...except the Santa letters, which I kept.

The following year, after careful consideration, I chose the 4 best letters. One for each of my siblings.

For each of their Christmas gifts, I presented them with a wooden plaque with their childhood letter decoupaged onto it. Preserved forever.

I haven't bested that one yet.

Oh man, what a great story Katie. Thanks for sharing.
Oops, almost forgot! Himself found this online last night. When I sat down to watch it with him I got all sniffly. What a great thing WestJet did!!! Of course it has probably gotten them a lot of interest from the marketing aspect, but it was still pretty sweet and special anyway.

If you haven't seen the video of Santa in the Canadian airport, grab a tissue and have a seat:
WestJet Christmas Miracle: real-time giving - YouTube
What a great marketing stunt! That must have been so much fun for the employees. Only thing, there were probably a few people who wished they had been greedier when they told what they wanted. I'm thinking particularly of the guy who said he needed socks and underwear.
My husband had a big picture album from his first marriage that contained pictures of his ex and my step children from the time they were born. He didn't want the pics of his ex, but she was the children's mother. (She was deceased.) It was around the time they were in high school. I sorted out all the pictures and made them each a picture album. I divided the pics of their mother between them, and also included pics of each other in the albums. When they opened them on Christmas morning they we so surprised and happy! They carried them around with them as we went visiting the family for Christmas. I was crying as they opened them because I knew how much it would mean to them to have those memories.
I give of my blood of a regular basis to the American Red Cross. Maybe someone who needs this at Christmas will have it and be able to live.

There are many car accidents during the holidays and if my blood saves just one life, that is the best Christmas gift to me.

With love,
Well of course every gift I have given has been perfect, so there are too many to name :rolleyes:
But one year my father gave me his WWII medals/ribbons, some pics, all in a nice display he had made and that made me go wow.

That is awsome pac. My dad did the same thing the day I graduated from basic training. It has been hanging on the wall of every house we've owned with pride. I'm sure you felt the same.
Mrs D had my medals court mounted and boxed and she hung them up beside my dad's last year for my birthday. I guess that would be my best gift.
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What a great marketing stunt! That must have been so much fun for the employees. Only thing, there were probably a few people who wished they had been greedier when they told what they wanted. I'm thinking particularly of the guy who said he needed socks and underwear.

Oh I do love this!

And Katie, I loved yours also. How wonderful!

With love,
My husband had a big picture album from his first marriage that contained pictures of his ex and my step children from the time they were born. He didn't want the pics of his ex, but she was the children's mother. (She was deceased.) It was around the time they were in high school. I sorted out all the pictures and made them each a picture album. I divided the pics of their mother between them, and also included pics of each other in the albums. When they opened them on Christmas morning they we so surprised and happy! They carried them around with them as we went visiting the family for Christmas. I was crying as they opened them because I knew how much it would mean to them to have those memories.

Oh my! I would be crying also.

With love,
When they started this whole "Black Friday" trend several year back, it very much soured Mrs. K and I on the whole idea of gift giving. Seeing people stand in line for hours just to buy stuff was kind of an eye opener at how materialistic we've become as a society. So after our daughter turned 18 and went off to school, we decided that would be the end of Christmas gift giving for us. We don't give gifts and we ask people not to give us any in return.

The holiday season in our house is celebrated by doing two things every year. First, we try to spend one day doing something for those who are less fortunate. A couple of years ago we worked in a soup kitchen. This year we're taking some of the money we would've spent on gifts in the past and donating it.

Second, we head off somewhere (preferably warm) for a family vacation. In two weeks we're taking DD and her BF to Las Vegas. Next year we're thinking either San Diego or the gulf coast.

So... the best gift idea for me has been giving up gifts, and instead trying to do something enjoyable that doesn't involve trees or fat guys in red suits (although I look a little like that in my long undies :ohmy:).
Steve, these ARE gifts! The gift of time for those less fortunate. The gift of memories for your daughter. These are far better than anything you would jostle people for while shopping in a too noisy and crowded mall.

Like pac and Katie and Carol and Rocket, and anyone I might have missed, making memories is the best gift of all. And mementos from those we love are the most special.

......there were probably a few people who wished they had been greedier when they told what they wanted. I'm thinking particularly of the guy who said he needed socks and underwear.
Oddly enough, he seems pleasantly amused rather than mad or disappointed. Sometimes socks are the best gift of all?

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