Would you use this can of beets?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I have already received my refund, but I still have this dented can of beets. Would you use it?

The can isn't bulging, just dented. Dents are not necessarily a problem unless the integrity of the can is compromised.

If it was my decision I'd throw it away but that's just because I hate beets.
I am with Andy... on both points.

A dented can is not a food safety problem (a bulging can is).

However, that dented can would give me a good excuse to throw away some beets.

I decided to do some googling about this. One site said it's okay if there were no leaks caused and mentioned some ways to tell. It also said that dings on any of the seams are bad and to throw it out if there are any. There is a ding very near the bottom seam.

I started to wonder about the lining of the can. Can bits of that fall into the food where it gets bent by a ding? I haven't been able to find anything about that - just lots of sites telling me that most cans don't have a BPA lining anymore.

Yeah, I think that I'll skip eating the contents of that can. Now, should I open and empty and wash it so it can go in recycling? Or should I just chuck it in the garbage?
I decided to do some googling about this. One site said it's okay if there were no leaks caused and mentioned some ways to tell. It also said that dings on any of the seams are bad and to throw it out if there are any. There is a ding very near the bottom seam.

I started to wonder about the lining of the can. Can bits of that fall into the food where it gets bent by a ding? I haven't been able to find anything about that - just lots of sites telling me that most cans don't have a BPA lining anymore.

Yeah, I think that I'll skip eating the contents of that can. Now, should I open and empty and wash it so it can go in recycling? Or should I just chuck it in the garbage?

I think you have gone well into the territory of overthinking this.

If it worries you, open it, toss the beets somewhere critters can eat it, and recycle the can. Animals can eat things people can't -- that's what they live on.

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