Winter Fermented Salad

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
Winter Fermented Salad

This can be used over lettuce, or over rice, on its own, added to stir fried rice, used in soups. It uses any vegetables you have on hand, since we are approaching winter and gardens are done in the north. Then add water, apple cider vinegar, sugar and salt. Let it ferment until it is to your liking, then refrigerate.

We make it with less salt, some people like more salt, make it to your liking.

It is inspired by a video (actually a couple of them), on using the fall harvest for Winter Salad. This is how they used to keep some vegetables into winter in years gone past, and even now.

Sideview of fermenting salad.


Top view of fermenting salad.

Vegetables before starting.

If I had had a large 2 or 3 gallon jug to put them in I would have. Instead I just used a clear sided bucket.

The inspiration video:

If you just want to see the beautiful jars of winter salad, it is near the end, skip to what you want to see.
Very interesting video. I wonder how they mix that up to use. Those jars are really big and some of the kinds of veg are waaaaaay at the bottom.
Isn't it neat! Yeah, about mixing. I'm thinking that the top of the jar has things that will hold their texture less, (specifically 1/3 down, the tomatoes) the crunch will be less starting at the top moving down.
So into winter, you'll have one kind of salad, then the next layer, that will be just a little different, etc. By the middle of the jar, there will be a lot of water w/seasoning and it will mix with the rest. So the rest of the jar will be different than eating at the top. It will give some variety to winter salads.
Fascinating. Thanks for posting.

Well videoed and a cute dog, LOL - don't think that's exactly 'herding'

I think you're right about the layer at a time for eating. Would like to see the tool for reaching to the bottom.

Loved the 'Hobbit house' too.
I might give it a go. I have end oof the season peppers I need to use up, mostly used cabbages in the drawer, along with some kohlrabi still in the garden ( nothing like those monsters they picked in the video). along with other stuff. And , I have enough apple cider vinegar for a year. so this will be a fun way to use some of it up. Thanks for the idea.
Here's my take on it.
Had some leg over cauliflower, spices of cabbage and unripe peppers from the garden. In addition II had other stuff in the produce drawer so I took a shot a it.


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Wow! That looks good Larry. I'm looking forward to hearing how you like it when you start eating it.
Wow! That looks good Larry. I'm looking forward to hearing how you like it when you start eating it.

I had 3 ends of cabbages ( made sauerkraut earlier in the week) , a left over cauliflower and as I mentioned the peppers. I was trying to figure out what to do with them, then this thread came long, so it was perfect timing. I was a little skeptical of the fresh tomatoes, but what the heck. Im looking forward to it.
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