Who's Trying to Lose Weight?

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I've sort of given up on weight loss, and try to concentrate on healthy eating and exercise. Didn't we used to have a line on exercise? Can't find it. Anyway, my latest thing is that when I have to wait for my husband to do something (like when I accompany him to an appointment), I don't sit and wait for him. Weather permitting, I walk. I tell him where I'll be, more or less, so he can get in the car and find me. Why didn't I think of that years ago? The place where he has most of his medical appointments abuts a Wal-Mart, I can walk a mile or three while he's in there. The place we take the car for service abuts our closest mall. Again, I can walk miles while the car is being worked on.
I've sort of given up on weight loss, and try to concentrate on healthy eating and exercise. Didn't we used to have a line on exercise? Can't find it. Anyway, my latest thing is that when I have to wait for my husband to do something (like when I accompany him to an appointment), I don't sit and wait for him. Weather permitting, I walk. I tell him where I'll be, more or less, so he can get in the car and find me. Why didn't I think of that years ago? The place where he has most of his medical appointments abuts a Wal-Mart, I can walk a mile or three while he's in there. The place we take the car for service abuts our closest mall. Again, I can walk miles while the car is being worked on.
There is a thread on let's be accountable for diet & exercise under health & nutrition.
What a great idea to go for a walk while waiting. It's so simple but makes so much sense. Thanks for the tip.:)
reducing kCals means weight reduction. expending more than the system can contend with results in weight loss.
we reach points where weight levels- for a time,- though ironically, level. increasing intake can undo this.
protein/ketosis diets work. rough on the kidneys, though. get fluids in. they make the stomach full & we need them besides.
fruits, veggies, lean proteins, & snacks like ricecakes & air-popped corn.
& fat increases satiety. so oddly enough, snacking on 'fattening' foods will make you less hungry. nuts, cheeses,..... i use more butter & whipping cream in my cooking than you'd begin to imagine. & i'm thin!!~..... i dine on that of my choosing & when i want, rather than when i 'should'. the second i notice a pang of fullness, i put the food aside.
this works, i sincerely mean that!~
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We went to eat out tonight, with a couple of friends. Like everyone else I got a burger, but it was a burger with guacamole and tomato and lettuce - and I cut it in half and took the rest home for tomorrow. Go me !
We went to eat out tonight, with a couple of friends. Like everyone else I got a burger, but it was a burger with guacamole and tomato and lettuce - and I cut it in half and took the rest home for tomorrow. Go me !

Good for you....fantastic willpower!!
Down 30 pounds since 12/1/10, slow but pretty steady. Doc told me I was 'pre-diabetic' and I want to stave off the diabetes for as long as possible. I have cut most carbs out--very little bread, noodles, rice, sugar, and I mostly don't miss them. (Until the folks at work start toasting bagels in the break room--aaarrrggggh.)
Down 30 pounds since 12/1/10, slow but pretty steady. Doc told me I was 'pre-diabetic' and I want to stave off the diabetes for as long as possible. I have cut most carbs out--very little bread, noodles, rice, sugar, and I mostly don't miss them. (Until the folks at work start toasting bagels in the break room--aaarrrggggh.)

Check out atkins.com there are bread recipies you can make that are low carb. & taste pretty good.:chef:
Down 30 pounds since 12/1/10, slow but pretty steady. Doc told me I was 'pre-diabetic' and I want to stave off the diabetes for as long as possible. I have cut most carbs out--very little bread, noodles, rice, sugar, and I mostly don't miss them. (Until the folks at work start toasting bagels in the break room--aaarrrggggh.)

That may have seemed slow, but that was 30 pounds in less than half a year! Congratulations.

Going slower means that your body has a better chance to adapt to the new weight and it is more likely to stay off.

Are you trying to lose more, or have you reached your goal weight?
I am still maintaining my weight, not happy about it, but my Doctor says I'm doing great. The meds I am taking are most of the problem.

Shrek, on the other hand, has lost 18 pounds with the new Diabetes medication. PM me if anyone wants to know about it and I can direct you to the website. We had a class on it at work and I was immediately sold on it for him.
I'm on a high protein diet at the moment. I've lost about 17 pounds so far which I am really happy about. But, I've been tempted almost everyday for the past couple of weeks with something sweet. Cookies, Cake... tonight it was a banana split with gelato. Really strange because I'll barely have any carbs all day, do a nice workout and be doing well with the diet plan and then someone just pops up with a banana split or it's someone's birthday and there's a cake or I have an urge to bake some cookies (and I'm all excited about the art of baking a cookie)... it's like taking two steps forward and one step backward. It's not a cheat day it's a cheat hour - EVERYday!

I know the answer. Cut it out right? Yeah I know... I will (he said as he went to the kitchen to grab a cookie).
i know i am a wimp but have given up the calorie counting. it was just making me obsessed with food and made me nuts as well. back to cutting fat and sugar where i can and portion control. that's it. i am not worried about health, i am not that heavy. i know, excuses, excuses, but there it is.
i know i am a wimp but have given up the calorie counting. it was just making me obsessed with food and made me nuts as well. back to cutting fat and sugar where i can and portion control. that's it. i am not worried about health, i am not that heavy. i know, excuses, excuses, but there it is.

Babe, I gave up calorie and fat gram counting. Went back to how I was eating before and I'm back to losing weight. I think they were trying to starve me...I also don't have the cravings for sweets like I was having before while I was on that diet.
Baby steps for me. I weigh in every 2 weeks at the clinic. I lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks. Not to bad considering I had pizza 3 times last week as well as 2 homemade sugar cookies & famous dave's too. I am sure I would have gained if I would'nt have exercised on the elliptical. 26 pounds down total since early March.
I find that I don't gain now with dialysis but the minute I'm told no or don't I just have to!!! Anybody else feel like that? You know we have to give up so much in life I resent soemone telling me you can't have that well Crap I can too.
kadesie, you make me laugh! when i am told i cannot have an item, i find myself compulsively seeking & then ingesting said item. maybe i'm a a'lil rebel. 'cept i luv the stuff i luv & i shant part w/ it!!~
kadesie, you make me laugh! when i am told i cannot have an item, i find myself compulsively seeking & then ingesting said item. maybe i'm a a'lil rebel. 'cept i luv the stuff i luv & i shant part w/ it!!~
I know sweetie. It's hard to have another adult give you orders. I find myself angry as a hornet at some of the people I have to deaal with. I usually end up giving in but there are times I get so angry my family runs for cover;)
I find that I don't gain now with dialysis but the minute I'm told no or don't I just have to!!! Anybody else feel like that? You know we have to give up so much in life I resent soemone telling me you can't have that well Crap I can too.

I agree with you. I am fine as long as I have a choice and do not feel deprived.

The Buddha said " Desire is the source of all suffering"

I think he had a weight problem too :angel:
I have an app on my iphone that I use diligently to track what I eat and the calories I am eating. I enter my current weight and then enter my target weight and it gives me a "reasonable" daily calorie goal. When I enter a food, I can type in my own calorie count or the search function will let me search the food for the correct number of calories. It has helped me lose 32 pounds and now I'm within 3 pounds of my goal weight!!!
I have an app on my iphone that I use diligently to track what I eat and the calories I am eating. I enter my current weight and then enter my target weight and it gives me a "reasonable" daily calorie goal. When I enter a food, I can type in my own calorie count or the search function will let me search the food for the correct number of calories. It has helped me lose 32 pounds and now I'm within 3 pounds of my goal weight!!!

What is the app on your phone? Is there a cost involved? Is it a specific program that you signed up for? Sounds like a great way to be kept accountable. Congratulations on your weight loss!
Its an app for the iphone called "Lose it!". And its free! I think there's a website too, that you can upload the information I put in the phone to the website, but I never used it. I know the app is free, but I never visited the website. As far as I know, there's no "program" to pay or sign up for. I just use it as a tool on my phone because its always with me and I can enter information from anywhere.

It has been my right arm in my weight loss journey this past year. It adjusts the daily calorie goal as your weight goes down. Whenever you enter a new weight, it will make a slight adjustment to your calorie goal. For example, when I started at 157 pounds, it gave me a daily calorie goal of 1900 or so and now, at 125 pounds, my daily calorie goal is 1600. Once you reach your goal weight, it re-adjusts your calorie goal to "maintenance level" , once I get to 122 pounds, it says my calorie daily level should be 1800 to maintain that weight. It takes your age and height into account when you set it up for the first time. Then you can enter how fast you want to lose weight. I have mine set at 1/2 pound per week, but you can set it for more. That setting also plays a part in the calorie suggestion is gives you.

My favorite part is that it allows you to view a whole week at a time so you can see if your over or above your calorie goal for the week as a whole. This is great for me because I allow myself one "cheat" day a week, so if I go over one day, I can "make up" for it on other days of the week or by adding extra exercise. In addition, you can enter your daily exercise and it will calculate those calories and take that amount of calories off what you've eaten for the day or the week, so you can eat that much more wihtout going over (good for my cheat day).

Overall, its been the best tool for me. Of course, its only as good as the information you put into it.

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