What's Cookin' for Dinner Sun. Nov. 27th?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 11, 2007
So much Goetta, so little time.
I'm going to be eating a few times today, all of my meals focusing on one main ingredient, Goetta!
Goetta, also called Cincinnati Caviar (that's a bit of a stretch), is week 12's Personal Pigskin Challenge's food, as my Browns are playing the Bengals again... and I already made Cincinnati Chili ;) From what I read goetta is very big in the Cincinnati area, but nowhere else :wacko:

Goetta is a sausage made with mostly pork butt and steel cut oats. (my mystery photo from last night) The recipe I used cooked the pork three hours in water with some onion and seasoning, then the oats were cooked for two hours in the same liquid. The pork and onions were ground, added back to the pot with the oats and cooked for another hour. And it was tasting pretty good :yum: Then the mixture was pressed into a loaf pan to set up.

Now I just have to decide on a few recipes :chef:
Glier's Goetta
I'm on my way to the freezer to pick out the first big package of beef I find. Once that is done I can maybe decide how it should be braised so Shrek can have what I cook. I'm having the idea of some Texas Red.

Pintos on the side.

In the crockpot and ready to go...
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I'm on my way to the freezer to pick out the first big package of beef I find. Once that is done I can maybe decide how it should be braised so Shrek can have what I cook. I'm having the idea of some Texas Red.

Pintos on the side.

In the crockpot and ready to go...

mmmm... I made some TX Red a few weeks ago, when we played the Texans. First time making chili using actual chili peppers and no powder. And beef broth. Good stuff.
mmmm... I made some TX Red a few weeks ago, when we played the Texans. First time making chili using actual chili peppers and no powder. And beef broth. Good stuff.

Dad sends me freshly made chili powder from AZ about twice a year. The ladies who make it for him always add extra for me. He gets to watch them toast the ingredients and grind them. It's nice to know people. I add extra cumin and garlic.

I love it when a dish takes me less than ten minutes to prep.
Our gas supply broke this morning so no cooking for me I'm afraid. Microwaving a tin of carrot and coriander soup :(
No gas and our heating broke. Not having a great time!
My first installment.
Goetta Pie
A little goetta pressed into the bottom of a skillet. A couple eggs broken on top, cheddar, onion... you're ready to tackle the world. Or the couch :rolleyes:


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Creamy turkey soup and grilled cheese or if I cut up the whole boneless pork loin into a roast and chops we will have one of those. I'll decide later.
I'm with you on that, Andy!

Pac, your pie looks yummy. Had no idea what the mystery pic contained.
I mentioned in the tailgating thread it is Grey Cup day here in Canada so it will be mostly munchies and I will do hot dogs for the guys (Dad, DH and my BIL).

Ever since I got sick I have not been able to eat meat, so will probably have more tortellini Alfredo and the munchies. Either that or if I am ambitious I will make some vegetarian rice.
My first installment.
Goetta Pie
A little goetta pressed into the bottom of a skillet. A couple eggs broken on top, cheddar, onion... you're ready to tackle the world. Or the couch :rolleyes:
YUMMMY! Now I wish I had made breakfast this morning! I'm making Mark a great breakfast tomorrow morning.

It's crappy weather here so I have a chicken stew in the works via the crock-pot.
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I want to get the last of the leftovers out of the fridge (there's more in the freezer), which in this case is I thawed more shrimp than I needed for shrimp cocktail as my appetizer (husband said to thaw enough to have five per dish, but they were larger than he thought). So I've decided on sate shrimp, basmati rice (yeah, I know it should be jasmine, but basmati is what is in the pantry), and the last of the cucumber salad (which I use as the base for the shrimp cocktail).
home turkey pot pie with home-made crust. 2 of them - one will go into the oven and the other will go into the freezer
I put some shrimp in a bowl of garlic butter this morning to marinate, so that's for dinner along with some horseradish in chili sauce for some sinus clearing. I have some split pea soup for my veggie.
Baby bella mushroom soup with additional dried Hen of the Woods. Smoked salmon. Thank you, Costco!
I'm with you on that, Andy!

Pac, your pie looks yummy. Had no idea what the mystery pic contained.

Yeah, I never would have guessed sausage from the pic either. It more closely resembles paté.
That little 6" skillet pie took me right through lunch :pig: I'm thinking the oats filled me up, which is what goetta is all about, since it was a peasant food of sorts.

Right now I've got some sauce and meatballs simmering away. It will be "spagoetta" for dinner. I took a hunk of the goetta loaf and mixed it with some bread crumbs, egg and parm cheese.
YUMMMY! Now I wish I had made breakfast this morning! I'm making Mark a great breakfast tomorrow morning.

It's crappy weather here so I have a chicken stew in the works via the crock-pot.

Weren't you doing your Thanksgiving dinner today?
Of course, chicken stew sounds great, too :chef:
Creamy turkey soup and grilled cheese or if I cut up the whole boneless pork loin into a roast and chops we will have one of those. I'll decide later.
Well it will be Creamy turkey soup and grilled cheese (I may put some tomato in it or on the side).
Grey Cup means nibblies all afternoon long.

Wavy Lays - dip
Plain chips
Boneless ribs
buffalo chicken bites
garlic hummus and multigrain crackers
teeny weenies
cheese, crackers, oysters and pickles
cheesy salsa dip and tortilla chips

I think that covers it. Various sodas, juices and drinks are available.
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