What is your weather like right now?

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After aditional 5 or so inches of yesterday afternoon and evening we warmed up to about 27 deg F. And today we supposed to have freezing drizzel. I think I'd rather have ore snow. Though I have no idea where I can put it. The banks on the sides of my driveway are about 5 feet high already.
It must be at least 70. I've got the windows wide open and wearing shirt sleeves and shorts. Very comfortable when the wind is out of the south.

You have my heartfelt sympathy, Babetoo. Hope the meds work quickly.(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))

My cold is getting better, but I'm still not able to sleep at night. The best I've been able to do is get a nap or two during the day.
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Icy cold today, the breeze made it really cold, but I got to wear one of my new scarves. I stayed toasty!
Beautiful rainbow!!

No snow or rain here. Forecast snow for Sunday!! ARGG missed by 1 day!

The lunar eclipse was beautiful though. Blood moon or more of a brownish red.
No water supply, I think its the main feed into the out building, it connects to a filter system. The pipes from it have electric wire heaters on them. The strange thing is that it was only -5c last night previous nights have been far colder with no problem. The three tiolet systems are full so that should be okay till I get it sorted:)
-21C (-5.8F) here today. Supposed to warm up to -15C (5F) though. The sky is blue, just a few wispy clouds drifting by.
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