What is your weather like right now?

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roadfix, have you been watching the mini-series Mars on the National Geographic channel?

Fascinating and scary stuff, especially about global warming and geo-politics on Earth, and how it would play out on colonies on Mars.
roadfix, have you been watching the mini-series Mars on the National Geographic channel?

Fascinating and scary stuff, especially about global warming and geo-politics on Earth, and how it would play out on colonies on Mars.

No, I was not aware of that. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!!

BTW, the launch was scrubbed again last night. At this point I'm seriously thinking about ordering a water rocket from Amazon.
We had freezing rain overnight. We are expecting a lot of rain with risk of flooding and then the temperature will drop and we'll have snow. Not so great for travelling.
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Clear blue skies, about time, a week of rain in summer is really weird down here.
A day in the garden planting out stuff we've propagated.

Sunny and warm. I hope to be able to post a photograph of snow soon. We have an 80% chance on snow on the 26th.


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Sunny and warm. I hope to be able to post a photograph of snow soon. We have an 80% chance on snow on the 26th.

We were told that we just might get a very light dusting of snow on the 25th. I doubt it. The weather folks are totally baffled by our weather patterns of late.

I just wait and see.
So far we are having a brown Christmas unless something amazing happens...like some SNOW! No snow in the forecast for the next week...this IS Wyoming, isn't it? Where's the snow?????
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