What is your weather like right now?

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The car display said 86 when I was coming home from the dentist. I'm figuring there was a lot of heat gain from the blacktop parking lot, because the highest I've seen from our home outdoor thermometer today was 77. No sense putting the screens back in yet, though. They're predicting 60s and 50s for the next week except for Easter Sunday.

DH and I exercise like that, only the opposite way. He opens, I close...
Oo, we're on the same exercise program! :LOL:
3 and 1/2 feet of snow last night! Well, there was about and inch snow on top of the picnic table this a.m. and it's about 3 1/2 feet or so tall...
I made a quick run on my scooter yesterday afternoon. It was 85ºF. Some towns hit 90ºF or a few degrees above that. Today it is supposed to be in the high 60's. With rain showers. I have an appointment in town with my rheumatologist in the afternoon. I hope the showers are gone by then.
It's 62 and cloudy right now. We're supposed to get a high of 64 and continued clouds - perfect for planting the perennials and veggies we've bought over the last several days.

Hard rain, at the moment.
Definitely "cheese curl weather"* when we were out running errands today. Mist falling all around, temps in the mid-40s.

*When we first moved here I had long hair with wispy bangs. I also colored my hair, so it was a bit of a golden blonde/brown. Himself and I went to the Cape for a day - back when a 260+mile round trip AND a day spent seeing and doing didn't do us in. :ermm: We were walking the beach on a cool, misty day. Himself turned to me and said..."you have cheese curls!". Romantic, huh? The mist caused my bangs to curl into perfect little spirals that made him think of cheese curls! :LOL:
We made it to 90 for about a minute yesterday. UCK. Would happen on the day I had to wash and dry towels.

So far it's 72 and sunny here today. About 3am I was sleeping so good, and the BOTTOM fell out. Thought we were going to have another leak in the kitchen, but we didn't. Never did get back to sleep, thought.
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