What is your weather like right now?

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We had over a foot of snow yesterday, and the winds have been incredible. It was 12° outside last evening when I went out to fire up the snowblower. The damn thing wouldn't start, but I was able to borrow my neighbor's machine.
It's not much fun clearing a 130' driveway in 25 mph winds when you have the flu. And then of course go to work the overnight. I would have stayed home but I had training this morning.

And now I have to do it all over again tomorrow as the snow drifts filled the driveway back in. My damn machine had better start.
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Sure hope you feel better soon, bucky. Oy....that's one LONG driveway!

All of you in the snow zones, be safe. Been rainy here off and on for the past couple of days and hovering around the mid 50's - 60ish. Unfortunately, we've also had a LOT of windy days. I love the rain, but not the wind. :)

The snow is still coming down in the Sierras and other parts of CA, and we are SO thankful for that!
It's been pretty warm here in Minnesota, relatively speaking. Today was 43, and it's supposed to hang in the 40s all weekend. Monday they're talking 50.

This means I can get to a few outdoor projects, plus I have a reclaimed barnwood shelf I'm putting up in the kitchen, and I'd rather sand it outside.
We had over a foot of snow yesterday, and the winds have been incredible. It was 12° outside last evening when I went out to fire up the snowblower. The damn thing wouldn't start, but I was able to borrow my neighbor's machine.
It's not much fun clearing a 130' driveway in 25 mph winds when you have the flu. And then of course go to work the overnight. I would have stayed home but I had training this morning.

And now I have to do it all over again tomorrow as the snow drifts filled the driveway back in. My damn machine had better start.

Nobody in Dallas would go through all that to get to work. I woke up to six inches of snow once, but I had an Audi, so I drove to work -- on almost empty roads. It actually took me less time than normal to get to work.

I got there, and there was one other co-worker in my area of the building. We both took calls from people who weren't coming in because of the snow.

At one point, I hear this other guy yell, "We live on a f#$%@g prairie, so how can everyone live on a f#$%@g hill??!!!"

caseydog, the difference is that we northerners are used to driving in cold slop. You southerners need more practice.

We had over a foot of snow yesterday,...It's not much fun clearing a 130' driveway in 25 mph winds when you have the flu. And then of course go to work the overnight...
Take care of yourself, bt. Working yourself to death won't help your DW and son. Unless you have a huuuge life insurance policy, that is. :LOL:

...I love the rain, but not the wind. :)

The snow is still coming down in the Sierras and other parts of CA, and we are SO thankful for that!
I am so glad that your part of the country is finally getting a good measure of water, Cheryl. I hope all this ends your drought.

We got a foot of snow on Thursday. And enough wind that I thought we lost some siding (we didn't). More snow and slop on call for Saturday. And Sunday. Also Monday/Tuesday. Therefore, I did my shopping today...while the temperatures topped out in the low 20s. Brrr.... Still, cold is better than snow. And snow. And more snow. As long as the power stays on, the two of us and our full fridge can stay tucked into our warm home. (Yup, getting a heating oil delivery Saturday morning...)
We had over a foot of snow yesterday, and the winds have been incredible. It was 12° outside last evening when I went out to fire up the snowblower. The damn thing wouldn't start, but I was able to borrow my neighbor's machine.
It's not much fun clearing a 130' driveway in 25 mph winds when you have the flu. And then of course go to work the overnight. I would have stayed home but I had training this morning.

And now I have to do it all over again tomorrow as the snow drifts filled the driveway back in. My damn machine had better start.

bt, didn't you just have the snowblower repaired?
Well, I was out and about yesterday and we still have snow up the - we still have lots of snow where there isn't pavement. And there's lots of no pavement once you get out of downtown.

And of course, today it's much warmer and we have rain and wind. So, more branches down and more people without power. I sure feel for the PSE guys.

Addie, didn't you just get a horrendous amount of snow from that storm that blew through?

We were supposed to get enough to complain about. But living so close to the ocean, my part of Boston only got a couple of inches.

We are supposed to get hit hard today and Sunday, with Monday being an iffy. I'm really not complaining. Last year we didn't even get enough to measure. What we got last night was enough to bring out the heavy duty snowblowers and plows. The maintenance workers were out there clearing our walkway and parking lot at six a.m. I could heard the wind really blowing at that hour. I felt so sorry for them.
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Thanks taxy, Cheryl, CG, and Addie.

Yes, I did just have the snowblower serviced, but apparently they didn't do a good job. It's old, so maybe it's time to buy a new .

I'm off to the hardware store to pick up starting ether. If I can just get it going today, I'll be alright. We have snow, ice , and rain coming in tomorrow. I have to get the remaining snow up now so salt can do its job tomorrow.
Thank you, CG. All this weather we've been having has REALLY put a dent in the drought. Now, if CA can just use some common sense and put a hold on new golf courses and other major water-using facilities, we may have a chance.

Mammoth Mountain ski resort 3 or 4 hours or so up the highway, has been pounded with snow, and it's still coming! It's the largest snowfall up in that part of the Sierras in recorded history. Over 25 feet of snow so far this winter. Here is someone's cabin, from yesterday. :ohmy:


  • Snow of '17, cabin at Mammoth Mountain.jpg
    Snow of '17, cabin at Mammoth Mountain.jpg
    62.8 KB · Views: 93
Here's another one....this was taken a couple of days ago at Mammoth Mountain Inn. :ohmy:


  • Snow of 17, Mammoth Mountain Inn Feb. 10.jpg
    Snow of 17, Mammoth Mountain Inn Feb. 10.jpg
    18.9 KB · Views: 74
It got up to 86 degrees today. But, the high on Tuesday is forecast to be 47 degrees. 39-degree difference! More weather whiplash.

I have always wanted to ski Mammoth, Cheryl. We have friends that live nearby and have always said it was great.

Is that the one that's supposed to blow up someday? This might have to be the year. Umm, to ski, I mean, lol. We're thinking of a ski trip west for Spring break this year, but trout season here starts Easter week as well, so, we'll see.

Well, I got the snowblower going with a lot of starter fluid, but it would only run rich and low power, so I ended up doing some shoveling.

Btw, do you know you can throw flaming snowballs if you spray them with starter fluid and light them quickly? This stuff is awesome.
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