Today, it was 95 degrees F. and muggy with T-storms. No fires on our district. Whew!! The Plumas and Toiyabe NF both have fires on either side of us. Currently, it is 72 degrees F. and muggy.
Today, we had a high of 95 F. with a low of 45 F. It was partly cloudy with lots of cirrus clouds. Some of the clouds tried to become thunderstorms, but never made it. I am hoping for rain.
Well as you can see from the above map posted by sierraCook, my area is ok right now. I live in Maine. It was very hot and humid today, around 90, dew point around 65 which is quite humid but not overbearing considering most have higher dew points in the 70's. All in all it was hot and humid, but I drew the blinds, and shut the windows, which made it about ten degrees cooler in the house. We have AC in one room, the computer room! Good luck to all of you that have temps in the 90's and up, with high humidity, my sister is one of those. She is in CT, where it was around 100 degrees today and humid. Keep cool people! Cold bath, shower, hose yourself down outside, pools, whatever Dont complain, Winter will be here soon, at least in the east coast U.S. that is.
It's been terribly hot here, with a heat index of over 100 every day, but last evening a front moved through. We got a good rain, and the temps went down about 10 degrees.
My garden is SO grateful!
Light rain, 58 degrees F. I have been waiting for it to rain. It is way too dry here. And a few stray lightning strikes. The blue and red blob in Northern California is near where I live.
Its has been sunny in owsestry for days now and yestesday in started to rain and it's raining today.
I hate the rain and i have got a two year old son that like to be outside and i cant take him out. And he is crying
Spring has really started here now, this week has been beautiful although I have missed a lot of it being sick. Today was 25C and tomorrow looks like being the same.
We are STILL dry!! We really need the rain before it gets even worse. This picture I am adding is our cove. It's usually at an average of 5'.We are getting fires around here a lot. Most of them have come from idiots tossing their cigarettes out the window. I don't know how many I have seen do that as I'm driving to work. Hey, I smoke, and I have an ashtray in my car, just as all cars do. I want to just stop them and ask if they would mind if I through mine out on their front yard and see if they escape damage!!