What is your signature dish?

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I was thinking of Thanksgiving dinner and cheesecake (mine also came from a restaurant, many years ago). James said my signature dishes are porcupine meatballs and Swedish Tearing.

He also said his signature dish is his BBQ Tuna Surprise! I've had it --> :sick:

My Mac -n- Cheese is requested most not only by my grandchildren, but assorted friends and family for pot luck dinners.
Also any cake or pie I make. Especially my Banana Split Cake.
Mine would have to be my Chicken Paprikash with homemade spaetzel.

My dh and ds say my spaghetti sauce, pot roast and Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing.

Well, probably my signature dish would be " barbecued potatoes"
Basically made it up as I was a student, didnt have much money, and kinda grabbed whatever I could in the house, mixed it all together and baked/ broiled it. Its a hit everywhere i go. There are no measurements basically it is honey, mustard, ketchup, soy sauce,cheap barbecue sauce, garlic, oil, onion and garlic powder, potatoes. Basically, i gut the potatoes into bite sized pieces ( skins on) , then put them in plastic bag and microwave until cooked ( a few minutes). I then mix all the wet ingredients and stir the potatoes in until the potatoes are completely coated. I then take a glass or ceramic dish to bake them in, but I put some foil in the tray to cover the bottom. I place the coated potatoes (single layer, all must be touching the bottom surface to obtain a nice crispy, slightly burned/ caramelized surface). I baste the top surface again, then bake about 1/2 hour at 425F, take them out, baste again, sprinkle with onion and garlic powder, turn the oven down to about 375 and another 15 - 30 minutes, take out and baste again, more onion and garlic powder , then back in the oven, turn it off, but let them sit there another 1/2 hour or so. finally, take them out again, more garlic and onion power, and let them cool until slightly warm/ room temp. Its a pain in the "you know where" to make, but they are soooo good, and go %100 every time. In my opinion, the honey is the key ingredient, something about the sweet/ mixed with the rest works so well. Oh yeah, sometimes i add a little vinegar in too, but not much.

Anyway, the other dish , that people probably see as " me" would be the Linguini with fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic and oil ( served at room temp). Its simple, fresh, easy,but the only problem is that it is one of those thins u need to make and serve immediately. The longer it sits, the pasta has a weird reaction with the tomatoes/ oil and gets kinda slimy, so i hate making it in advance so that is why i dont bring it that often.

But, I think one of the worst things is when someone makes your " signature dish". They do it half-a$$ed, or all wrong, serve it, then tell everyone how it is your signature dish, even though they ruined, i mean , made it .
..................well if I 'must' post 'somethin' I'd have to say this. I was lying flat on my back one morning home from surgery, couldn't move. Watching a national tv morning show, they announced they were having on the White House Chef to make a few of the Presidents favorite things. One being as noted below. I forced my husband to get out of bed and get me pen and paper, he did, and all my years of doing hair, at all the salons I've worked at, during every holiday, they always ask me to bring it and I do. It's expensive containing 4 alcohols and with everything else in there, it's the most fattening thing you could consume. I oblige because it's my pleasure. Also, Caviar Pie, I am known for bringing that to parties at the holidays too and if we're asked to attend, that recipe always follows the request.

Ronald Reagans Favorite White House Eggnog.
Probably my chestnut ravioli or my pumpkin ravioli.

If you ask my kids, they'd say it's my meatballs and both agree. If you asked my son, he'd tell you it's the mashed potatoes.
My eggplant parm or my steaks and sauces.

Eggplant Parm

To most people, my signature dish is my pancakes. But to my family, it would depend on who you spoke with. Any of these could qualify:

Spring Rolls w/pineapple Sweet & Sour Sauce
Smoked Turkey
Crown Pork Roast
Grilled Rib Eye
Layered Cakes
Deep Dish Fruit Pies

Take your pick.

Seeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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Yum, Pacanis!!! .........mine is seafood gumbo.......won 1st prize by a panel of Cajun judges...greatest thrill ever...my daughter in law's family doesn't refuse any invitations to enjoy it with us.......so we share a big pot together........yep, I send leftovers with them......have to be neighborly as they are now family......they could turn it down, dang it......jest kidding.......glad they like it........:):):)
This is funny. Perhaps it is because I've moved so often, maybe because I like a lot of different ethnic cuisines. But you'd get a lot of different answers if you asked different people. My Mom ALWAYS wants me to make barbecued ratatouille (barbecue meaning grilled by some definitions). One of my friends insists on parm/artichoke dip. Another insists on my version of hummus. There are entire Galena families who want lasagna, and I have a whole group who wants my boozy trifle. Oh, and an entire cadre of freinds who want my negemaki. So I guess my signature is a willingness to cook!
I have no idea what my signature dish is. Wow. I have never thought about that. I'll get back to you on this one. Maybe my husband will see this and weigh in. Ken? You out there?

Chocolate raspberry cake. :w00t2:
y'all's signature dishes sound so great........I'm starving.........Jeeks yours and Pacanis's pictures should be banned for EIS (excessive induced salivation)....I can only imagine the rest of y'all's recipes........I made a boring chicken steamed chicken breast with melon slices last night......oh, did I mention that I was starving..........Thannks for sharing.....:):)
Well..... I did buy a leek today :)
I even googled how to clean/cut it :LOL:

There's a first time for everything I suppose.
I'll keep that in mind.
The leek is for that AB mussel sauce I saw and bought the stick blender for.
My New York style cheesecake. Everyone that tries it says it's the best they've ever tasted and it took the blue ribbon at the Orange County Fair 3 years ago.
My New York style cheesecake. Everyone that tries it says it's the best they've ever tasted and it took the blue ribbon at the Orange County Fair 3 years ago.

I don't eat many sweets but I love cheesecake......unfortunately I didn't bring my springform pan over here......does yours recquire it, Sedagive? May I please have the recipe? I'm going to be in Houston over Thanksgiving and would love to make it...........I know some family-related diabetics that I will have to monitor, though....:angel: I really would appreciate it and Psst......I promise not to enter it into any contests!!! :LOL:
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