what are the best pan sauces or gravies i you can freeze in small batches?

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
i know about that
and i like it because it does not has mustard and i can also reduce the amount of fat in it.. can i freeze it?
what happens if i omit the wine?
i prepared it with the wine and it was wonderful but i wonder if i can omit the wine next time..

can i reduce cooking time if i cook only the sauce without the chicken meat? or do i must cook it for the specified time?

thanks and happy saucing
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Omitting the wine is possible. You could use apple juice in exchange. Omitting the wine and not replacing it with anything will change the flavour profile, of course.

It looks delicious and I'm going to be trying it soon! Thank you for posting that - Chef John is amongst my most favourite chefs!
whoopsies! completely forgot your freezing question. You could freeze this sauce no problem - but without the cream added!

Reason being that cream has a tendency to split when frozen. It is still edible, of course, but it doesn't really blend back in. I find it changes the mouth feel and you lose that creamy look. That alone seems to change the taste, for me.
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