Uses for hamburger grease?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I try to reduce waste in the kitchen by using everything I can. The classic/usual veg scraps and carcasses for stock and woody herb stems in soup. Growing up, my mom tossed hamburger (80/20 ground chuck/beef) grease in the trash, but kept bacon grease for green beans/frying eggs, etc. I am wondering if I can use hamburger grease for something, or is it just. . .not that flavorful to be useful? Is it just waste? I strained my hamburger and am now boiling the water off the grease, though I may chuck it in the freezer to separate it easier, but I wanna know if other people use hamburger grease in/for anything.

Could you use the grease as the fat for gravy? Like a beef/chicken veloute or beef/hamburger fat in sawmill/milk gravy?
If making gravy for the actual hamburger dish that you got the fat from it seems to be sort of OK. But I have found it not pleasant at all for any other dishes. As Andy says... try it and see if you like it.

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