Tuesday 5/31/2011, What will make its way to your plate?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Did I miss todays meal thread?
Dinner will probably be chicken. Method of cooking and sides are unknown at this time.

Any plans?

This was Lunch – London broil left from last night (just warmed in a hot CI pan, doesn't look it but it is very rare red inside) and butter lettuce, radicchio, mushroom, sliced and vine tomato salad.


And a strawberry shortcake

My lunch was a bowl of ice cream :rolleyes:

Taco salad for me tonight. I just need to pick up a small bag of nacho cheese doritos to crumble on top :chef:
I'm making a stuffed vegetable recipe I got from the Penzey's catalog. It's a variety of veggies stuffed with a ground pork based stuffing. Really good!
Cold sandwiches and chips probably. Its to hot and muggy and I am not going to cook anything lol Plus we have had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day and tomorrow the 4 yr old is having surgery so trying to keep it light around here.
It is way too hot to cook - 90° and NO breeze. I'll just nuke some of the Taco Wild Rice I made yesterday.
Turning leftover beef into a pot pie, sort of. No bottom crust and the top will be biscuits from the Dough Boy.

Change of plan again. To hot and humid and hub doesn't want to BBQ. So probably pasta with red sauce (I think I may cut up or grind the small amount left over london broil left from last night - I have about 2/3 the amount I had for lunch left and saute it with onion, fresh garlic and mushroom then add to sauce and simmer a bit. If I don't get complaints that is LOL) and salad.

Wish I had seen that beef pot pie idea before lunch. Sounds great!!
I'm making a stuffed vegetable recipe I got from the Penzey's catalog. It's a variety of veggies stuffed with a ground pork based stuffing. Really good!

You forgot using their spices ;)
I've tried a few of their recipes and like them. It's hard not to try them they look so good.
You forgot using their spices ;)
I've tried a few of their recipes and like them. It's hard not to try them they look so good.

On the other hand, I've tried a few of their recipes and this is the only one I've liked so far.
They've got a grilled veggies and pasta one I make once in a while that's good. And their recipes that featured three tacos, one being a portobello taco... that was a good ún.
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