Talk about being put on the spot

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:) They should have at the very least called you first to see if you had the time and the desire to do it rather than just showing up with ribs. In my experience people that really like what you make rarely want to learn to do it them selves. After all it's easier to have you do it. I have had people want me to make burritos to freeze for them and even offer to pay me. I decline because it's a huge amount of work and they are just being lazy. Twice now I tried having a class for my neighbors, once how to make apple pies and another time how to make burritos. I would have enough ingredients so everyone could take several pies or burritos. Well needless to say they showed up with Bloody Marys one time and Margaritas the second time at 10:00 am. They didn't learn a thing and what was worse they took my perfect pies and my perfect burritos and left me with their half hearted bad looking attempts not to mention a big mess to clean up. I do not do this anymore when they ask for a class because it just turns into a big joke and a party to them after they have slammed down some drinks.
As they say " no good deed gos unpunished":mad:
Thanks, luvs. I'm looking forward to doing it. Like a sort of mini-challenge.
hi pacanis,
i guess my previous post was not of much real help. i do not have a pressure cooker and prefer the slow grill method. when i have a lot of ribs to fix and it rains on bbq day, i keep another option in my back pocket. i set the oven to 275 deg. salt and pepper the ribs leaving the racks whole. then brush the racks with a mixture of equal parts crystal hot sauce and standard bbq sauce. pop them in the oven for an hour or so depending on the type and thickness of the ribs. the long cooking time keeps them from being too spicy and the hot sauce cuts back the sugar content enough to just carmelize on the meat. the results will not be super tender and fall off the bone but sure make for some good eating. just be sure to have some toothpicks on hand when serving. good luck on your challenge.
That sounds like alot of fun Pacanis, I hope it's going well today!
It was fun! And now I'm finito, Benito! Errr, Suzi!

I just ran them over 30 minutes ago and surprised the heck out of his wife, What's this?! She, her daughter (24?) and daughter's boyfriend are going to eat good, because my neighbor was in town with his daughter's car for something :LOL: Seems she had no idea he had brought them over the other day for me to cook :rolleyes:
And she did ask me to stay, but I didn't. I was juggling between working, the game (GO BROWNS!) and.... something else..... drinking beer maybe :ermm:

I was only 9 minutes off on my timing, too, when I wanted the ribs on the grill to be done and when the pressure cooker ribs were going to be done, so that wasn't hard to align.

And yay me, one of the grilled ribs I started at 1:15 sorta fell apart :LOL:

Here's a shot after removing them from the foil pouch, where I had them simmering in apple juice and before I started to sauce them, after smoking them for two hours. I wish I had written down things, but cooking is more fun that way. I'm pretty sure I have my timing down now which is fine by me. No pic of the ones i cooked on the grill and PC. My bad. I should have taken a pic of the platter, but I was in the middle of things.
And the sauce I made up from Sweet Bbay Ray's regular, Bullseye regular, Frank's Hot Sauce, red pepper and honey. I really wish I had written that down in proportions....

I made them a little slaw to go with them, too. Some creamy and some vinegar. Why stop when you're on a roll.

It was a nice day :)


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LOL, you spend happy kitchen time on ribs like I do with cookies!!!!

Can't wait for Christmas.....

we NEEDED an extra one with what, 15 of us moving in)
Make that 16...pacanis, feel free to move to socal any time!

I totally get it about the neighbor. We're the same way with ours. We do stuff for each other all the time and don't think twice. It's kind of like having family next door :)
LOL, I don't even want to get into making cookies, Suzi. I would eat the whole batch once they started turning out.
That's a virtual thought! Cookies for ribs/ribs for cookies
you're ON!!!!

I'll start now, can't promise the little peole won't snatch a few cookies....
glad they apprecioated your meal.
i appreciated your eggs!! just threw another onto my burger, delish!
I'm glad everything turned out, but I don't know if I should have read your posts today! I am very hungry, and seeing the picture has really set my stomach to growling! Wow, that looked good! I am so hungry that I could actually smell and taste it! I've got to wake James from his nap so we can go get something to eat! I know it won't be as good as what you made though!

ok pacanis - you know that cute little house down the street? The one that's for sale...been on the market for awhile????? Well, we've gotten together and bought it. We'll all be settled in no time. One small problem...the kitchen had to be turned into a bedroom/bathroom combo (you know - we NEEDED an extra one with what, 15 of us moving in) so we won't be able to cook. I suggest you get a couple more pressure may as well be ready. Might as well get a couple more crockpots too!

Hey, I would do it too and I would love doing it...I've done it...especially when smoking something.

Make that 16! ;)
Suzi, I can't guarrantee a few ribs might not succomb to the cook either. They do tend to fall apart :rolleyes:

Eggs on a burger, luvs? I just saw a show where they cooked onions and shrooms, put them on a steak, cooked a sunny side up egg in the same pan and put that on top of everything. Beef and eggs is in my near future. Glad you liked my hens' eggs.

Barabara, I can't even begin to imagine the euphoria of when your trip is over, fun as it has been. You and James are going to enjoy being back home, home cookin', your own beds, your four legged family members.... thanks for giving my pic a virtual whiff ;)

Mama, you move in up the street too and I'll be bringin' a plate to your house. Empty of course. Filler up! :LOL:
i luved 'em, pancanis. so neat that your eggs travelled via discucookers from thier beginning!!
tonite i'm boiling them.
& yeppers, beef & eggs 'er a great combo!!!
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