Sunny Sunday! What's for dinner? 2nd June 2024

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
The sunny weather today (shortlived it appears) inspired me to make one of my summer staples. It's a Greek inspired summer stew of lamb and new potatoes, flavoured with lemon, garlic and oregano. Some feta and parsley on top and served at what I would call "blood" temperature.

Greek Style Lamb Stew.jpg
Stir fry (steamed) of orange bell peppers, broccoli, onions, mushrooms, and some soy curls in a seasoned corn starch glaze. Served over the last of the veggie rice and some grain mix.
Black bean brownies for dessert.
I cooked a pork chop Lyonnaise. It's such an easy dish and very tasty. I should make that more often. I baked some asparagus and added that to the asparagus and herbs salad. It was better with more asparagus. I also made home fries to go with the pork chop. The Danish recipe for the pork chop Lyonnaise said to serve it with "brasede kartofler", so I did and it worked well. Okay, the recipe also said to serve with a green salad, but I wasn't really in the mood to make a green salad. My salad was green enough. In the picture, the pork chop is under the chopped shallot and sauce.

Pork chop Lyonnaise, asparagus and herbs salad, home fries..jpg
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