Sunday October 1st, welcome October, dinner is on.

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
It seemed like a big salad that takes me 20 minutes to eat was too much trouble, so I made a smoothie with an orange, apple, blackberry puree, and beet greens. The beet greens were gorgeous in the garden, and I had to had some. Sadly, the color of the smoothie was quite a dark green, not my favorite color for a smoothie. It was good though.
Oat-fruit-raisin cookies afterwards.
Welcome October.
Pat Thai 🫠

Danish fusion supper for us Sunday night. "Italienske karbonader", spelt fusilli in a creamy sauce with spinach, and a salad with creamy homemade dressing. The "karbonader" are the seasoned pork patties. It was the first time I finished them in the oven. It gets them out of the way and I don't need to pay attention to them.

Italineske karbonader, spelt fusilli in a creamy sauce with spinach, and a salad with creamy h...jpg

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