Simply Indulgent Gourmet Salted Caramel Pretzel Cookies review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

I spotted these cookies at cookies at a local grocery store in a different style box. They were 2 for five bucks.

One box here has a measly 6 cookie in it when you have a that is so tall it could hold 12 cookies.

The cookie here were on the soft side of cookie.

Each cookie is a 2 inch round-ish cookie

The flavor here though has loads of caramel flavor though.

Taste here was not bad.

I will give this cookie a medium sized thumbs up.
More in the box is always better but I was thinking of the carbs. I so need a cheat day. Chocolate covered pretzels? Even better white chocolate covered pretzels. Okay, now you have made me want pretzel cookies.
More in the box is always better but I was thinking of the carbs. I so need a cheat day. Chocolate covered pretzels? Even better white chocolate covered pretzels. Okay, now you have made me want pretzel cookies.

the box says one cookie has 17 grams of total carbohydrates.
Onto the Caramel Apple Cake Batter Cookies review...

From the same company also comes this flavor of cookie.

Box similar in look to this one:

The cookies here were slightly wider. 2.25 inches round.

Same stingy 6 cookies in a box being sold as a 2 for 5 at the grocery I was at.

This cookie had a real soft bite. sure was softer than than the other cookie I tired.

Flavor here was AMAZING!!!

So much solid caramel apple flavor.

A big massive thumbs up and a must try item if you can find it.
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