Saturday's Supper? (13th January 2024)

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
I saw a recipe in last weekend's Telegraph Saturday Supplement and thought it looked interesting, so I made it for Ollie and me this evening. I was a little bit dubious, but despite the slightly strange green colouring these "Green Burgers" came out very tasty indeed! (Not vegetarian despite the greenness - they contain smoked bacon, egg and cheese - along with a vast amount of broccoli!) Poor presentation I'm afraid, but the simple side salad and coleslaw was a good accompaniment.
Green Burgers.jpg
In the process of making homemade chicken noodle soup. I ate breakfast at around 3, lunch around 6:30, so dinner will be at 10:30ish.
I'm making a homemade pizza tonight with onions, red bell pepper and pineapple. Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos who loves pineapple on pizza. Truth be told, I don't have a lot to throw onto the pizza, so I'm using up the rest of an onion and the bell pepper and adding the pineapple.
I'm making a homemade pizza tonight with onions, red bell pepper and pineapple. Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos who loves pineapple on pizza. Truth be told, I don't have a lot to throw onto the pizza, so I'm using up the rest of an onion and the bell pepper and adding the pineapple.
My sister (also a Linda) would eat that. She'd add olives and ham or bacon too, lol.
My sister (also a Linda) would eat that. She'd add olives and ham or bacon too, lol.
Yes, I love ham and pineapple pizza. But I don't have ham. I do, however, have a couple extra slices of cooked bacon that I didn't use for anything, so I may go ahead and throw that onto my pizza as well.
Yes, I love ham and pineapple pizza. But I don't have ham. I do, however, have a couple extra slices of cooked bacon that I didn't use for anything, so I may go ahead and throw that onto my pizza as well.
I hear ya. My sister won't eat seafood. I wonder how we could possibly have been born from the same parents, lol.

I'm an advocate of "to each their own" and it's good we all have different tastes. The world would be boring otherwise!
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I hear ya. My sister won't eat seafood. I wonder how we could possibly have been born from the same oarents, lol.

I'm an advocate of "to each their own" and it's good we all have different tastes. The world would be boring otherwise!
I LOVE seafood.
I was having a craving for something Mexican, but I made this one vegetarian, since I didn't want to thaw anything else for it. I soaked some of those eggplants I use in all sorts of things, even though they are not traditional in these things, and some black beans. I also pan toasted 4 large moritas and 2 guajillos, and soaked them, while getting the onion and garlic cut up, and started cooking in the Instant Pot, in a little oil. The chiles were ground in about 1 c of water, then poured that into the IP, switched it to sauté/high, and cooked, stirring frequently, to concentrate the flavor, then I dumped in the can of tomatoes, blended, then rinsed out the VM with some water, and poured that in. Then, I added the softened EP, the black beans, added a little Mexican oregano, cumin, smoked paprika, black pepper, and salted to taste (though it didn't need much, due to the tomatoes), then sealed the IP, and set to Beans - 25 min, then let the pressure release naturally. I ate it with some jack cheese, and some corn tortillas.
A bowl of vegetable chili, with some black beans and dried eggplant, seasoned with morita and guajillo peppers. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Tonight we had an "assemble your own" supper. I made some haddock salad, following a Danish recipe for cod salad. I made a "French omelette". I put out different kinds of whole grain bread and some lettuce, dill, shrimp, and lumpsucker caviar as garnishes for sandwiches. I made mine as a Danish smørrebrød, on rugbrød. I forgot to bring my phone to the table, so I used my tablet to take the pictures and it's hard to get clear pix with it.

Omelette, haddock salad, and garnishes for making sandwiches-smørrebrød sm.jpg
Haddock salad on rugbrød with lettuce, dill, shrimp, and lumpsucker caviar.jpg
We celebrated our play-off hopefulness with friends by grilling burgers, hotdogs, making tater tots, and nibbling on desserts, chips, etc. Very yummy. The game - very disappointing.
Wait a minute! "... making tater tots,..." You made them from scratch Kathleen?
@KatyCooks Not this time, Katy. Though I do have a recipe for them, but feel the effort is not worth the difference between them and Ore Ida tater tots. I did carefully remove them from the bag though and salted them when they were done. :D

@GinnyPNW I am loving your recipe cards! Please keep them coming!
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@KatyCooks Not this time, Katy. Though I do have a recipe for them, but feel the effort is not worth the difference between them and Ore Ida tater tots. I did carefully remove them from the bag though and salted them when they are done. :D

@GinnyPNW I am loving your recipe cards! Please keep them coming!
I only relatively recently encountered Tater Tots (on a visit to Philadelphia) as they weren't around in the UK. Loved them!! They have now arrived in Britain too. Your careful preparation is duly noted!! :chef:
Kit meal for Mediterranean Chicken Meatloaf with Feta Mashed taters & Brussels Sprouts instead of the Green Beans that were suggested. This was an excellent dinner. Great flavors and perfect comfort food for a chilly winter night. Will make this again, sans the kit.
I'm curious about your substitution. I don't see any mention of green beans on the recipe card, just the Brussels sprouts. But, I don't see any sprouts in any of the pictures. I do see green beans. Does that mean they let you make substitutions inside a kit?
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