Probe thermometers

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I own several thermometers. One, with a remote wired probe (Polder), a digital and an analog instant read (Taylor). They are always at hand as they have a lot more uses than you would immediately imagine.
I feel much better about serving meat to my family since I got the probe. Also, it helps me to stop cooking at the right time. Great help!
I have 4

and use a scanning thermometer at work, as well. All thermometers are good to have, as long as they are calibrated correctly, and often.

If your thermometer is digital there is no need to calibrate it. If not, however, you have to use the ice water bath method.
:) I love the probe thermometer I dont know why but I totally seize up when cooking a roast or tenderloin so this give me some peace of mind.
I have several different thermometers that I use in the Kitchen. The most important being my digital candy thermometer..

I just recently got a wireless digital probe thermometer for Smoking Meats. It will be wonderful for the Wisconsin winters and smoking.

I too have the Polder probe {LOVE IT} one thing to keep in mind and not make the same mistake I did.......This past christmas I was cooking my usual prime rib meal and I thought that I set the temp on farenheight, but Whoops I had it on celcious.......It took me a few hours to figure out why the temp was rising so slowly, happily the food was well done [not my fav...but] still edible. :chef:
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