Pot Pie Pan Size Poll

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Best size pan for a single serving of turkey pot pie?

  • 3 inches

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 inches

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 5 inches

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 6 inches

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • 7 inches

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 8 inches

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
I am planning on making turkey pot pies after thanksgiving and freezing them. I want to give a bunch of these to friends who will want singer servings. I need to buy disposable foil pans for this and they come in lots of sizes.

What size pan do you think makes a nice single serving for a hungry adult?
I voted for 6 inch, but then it really depends upon how
deep they are too. Mostly I've seen those aluminum pans
pretty shallow, so ...
But that is a great idea Janet!
The Neighborhood Gal Pals have decided to go to the
local restaurant this year for Thanksgiving dinner as a group,
even with the Husbands!
So that would be great to share some "leftovers" that we
won't be having :ohmy:
*This will be the very first Thanksgiving that I will not be cooking dinner :huh: I'm not sure how I feel about that yet*
*This will be the very first Thanksgiving that I will not be cooking dinner :huh: I'm not sure how I feel about that yet*

I am cooking dinner but there will be a VERY small group of folks eating it - 3. Still, I enjoy the cooking, they enjoy the eating and hey, it's all about leftovers.

I'm making a simpler meal this year and specially gearing it towards pot pie filler.

carrot and celery sticks
Peas and corn (mixed)
mashed potatoes (maybe)
Cranberry sauce

The veggie sticks will be diced up after the meal to go in the pies along with the peas.
Dressing will be used in the pies as filler and flavor along turkey and gravy. I can boil the carcass for any needed extra liquids.

Since there's no shopping this year on Black friday (and I don't really need "stuff") I'm making pies, freezing them and then sharing. I've never actually made pot pies so this is looking like fun.

A few weeks ago I made about a dozen apple pies with the last apples off our tree and froze them. I gave a few away - unbaked to friends who don't routinely bake and they were a smash. I also took a few to the local homeless shelter and they baked them up. It was fun and I felt useful.

Doing it again! Got any pot pie tips?
After my MIL went into a nursing home, we made dozens of freezer meals for my FIL a few times a year. I froze them in 16-oz. aluminum loaf pans, so I searched to find out which size has that capacity and it's the 8-inch ones. I made labels with heating instructions and taped them to each one.

Pot pie is super simple and you have the skillz ;) I suggest including cooked diced potatoes rather than mashed potatoes. If you're making homemade crust, adding sage and thyme to it is delicious :yum:
*This will be the very first Thanksgiving that I will not be cooking dinner :huh: I'm not sure how I feel about that yet*
One year, when we had an exchange student living with us, I wanted to give her a large family experience for Thanksgiving, so I invited us to my aunt's house for the holiday; she has four children and adult grandchildren, so it was a big crowd. However - I did not know she and one cousin had cooked the turkey on Tuesday and reheated it; the mashed potatoes were instant and the gravy from a packet; there were warmed store-bought rolls and store-bought pies. We had a wonderful time, but I was so disappointed I made an entire Thanksgiving dinner that Saturday. Fortunately, DH and I love leftovers and Hannah enjoyed the meal, so it was good.
I suggest including cooked diced potatoes rather than mashed potatoes. If you're making homemade crust, adding sage and thyme to it is delicious :yum:

Hmm - wasn't thinking about adding potatoes at all but this is a good idea. How do you think left over stuffing would be in the pies instead?

Regarding crust - yes, I'll make homemade -adding the herbs is a terrific idea!
Hmm - wasn't thinking about adding potatoes at all but this is a good idea. How do you think left over stuffing would be in the pies instead?

Regarding crust - yes, I'll make homemade -adding the herbs is a terrific idea!

Janet, here's how do Pot Pies for DH and he's a nut for them!


I think I'll follow your lead and make all of us each a Mini Pot Pie using a Turkey Breast :chef:
Pot Pie in a 6" CI pan...

None of the above. I make one pot pie a year; on the week-end after Thanksgiving, with leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner, in a 9-inch store bought pie shell. Otherwise, Marie Callender can do a much better job than I can on individual pot pies, in chicken, turkey, and beef.

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