Pasta with Butter

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 30, 2004
cook pasta to al dente stage or the way you like sure to salt the water. While pasta is cooking get out a large skillet one that will hold all the pasta. Save some of the cooking water in case you need it later. now add the pasta to the skillet along with melted butter 1 stick, 1 cup of heavy cream, salt and pepper,1/2 cup of parm cheese reserving the rest of the 3/4 cup of cheese til after you've tossed the pasta the if needed add the reserved water and finish up with the last of the cheese..
I have always wondered what the purpose is of salting the water when cooking pasta. What would happen if you forgot the salt?
I have always wondered what the purpose is of salting the water when cooking pasta. What would happen if you forgot the salt?
It just helps the flavors. No salt at first you will need to go heavier on the seasonings later.
cook pasta to al dente stage or the way you like sure to salt the water. While pasta is cooking get out a large skillet one that will hold all the pasta. Save some of the cooking water in case you need it later. now add the pasta to the skillet along with melted butter 1 stick, 1 cup of heavy cream, salt and pepper,1/2 cup of parm cheese reserving the rest of the 3/4 cup of cheese til after you've tossed the pasta the if needed add the reserved water and finish up with the last of the cheese..

Ahhhhhhh, I love you kades! :)

Pasta with butter, or "pasta al burro" as we call it here, is an all-time favorite of mine. I love it for its simplicity, despite of its bad reputation: many of us Italians consider pasta al burro just a "quick" solution, when you have no time or no desire to work on a "serious" recipe. And you never, never offer your guests a dish of pasta al burro, for that very reason.
And still I love it, because it is simple, it is fast, and I like the flavor of butter, parmigiano reggiano and my spaghetti!

Thanks again :pig:
Sounds yummy Ma. Thanks!

And Luca, I believe I WOULD serve this to guests :LOL:
Thanks. I always salt, but I also like to add more salt after the pasta is cooked.

Your pasta will have such a flat flavorless taste it will be almost inedible. YUK! Try a small experiment. Cook about an ounce of pasta without salt and one ounce with salt. You will get a loud and clear answer. :angel:
Ahhhhhhh, I love you kades! :)

Pasta with butter, or "pasta al burro" as we call it here, is an all-time favorite of mine. I love it for its simplicity, despite of its bad reputation: many of us Italians consider pasta al burro just a "quick" solution, when you have no time or no desire to work on a "serious" recipe. And you never, never offer your guests a dish of pasta al burro, for that very reason.
And still I love it, because it is simple, it is fast, and I like the flavor of butter, parmigiano reggiano and my spaghetti!

Thanks again :pig:
Luca, it's so good to hear from you. This pasta is my favorite and my families as well. Guests get the dressed up pasta but this one is saved for those I love .
Your pasta will have such a flat flavorless taste it will be almost inedible. YUK! Try a small experiment. Cook about an ounce of pasta without salt and one ounce with salt. You will get a loud and clear answer. :angel:

Actually, I don't salt my pasta water. Pasta comes out tasting fine.
Actually, I don't salt my pasta water. Pasta comes out tasting fine.

Most of the time I always forget to salt other foods when they are cooking, but never the pasta. I am not a big salt user. And I can't have pepper. I use the sea salt McCormack table salt grinder mostly. I keep a salt cellar next to the stove and never remember to use it. :angel:
I salt the pasta too. I've included a pic of the salt jar. Really - it' salt in there.


  • Salt.jpg
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Love the salt jar! I am not a salt lover, so most of my food needs salt when it's served. I started cutting back on salt in my cooking because DH is one of those people who shakes salt all over his plate before he starts eating. So I lightly salt when cooking and let him add his own salt.
Love the salt jar! I am not a salt lover, so most of my food needs salt when it's served. I started cutting back on salt in my cooking because DH is one of those people who shakes salt all over his plate before he starts eating. So I lightly salt when cooking and let him add his own salt.

Years ago I used the pepper shaker as the salt shaker to control how much salt the family used on their plated food. Smaller holes and they never noticed the difference. :angel:
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