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Oops! Naughty Teddie!

Is he a Maltese terrier? Some cross-breeds are very fashionable over here. Labradoodles and Cockerpoos being but two that sell for a fortune. Will the puppies be Maltedyorkies? (as well as being a dog a "Yorkie" is a type of chocolate bar over here).

Yes he is pure Maltese. But considering his dastardly deed, we thought the following costume would be appropriate for Halloween.


  • 3-pope.jpg
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Addie, you are too funny! Love the costume.

I am making a ballerina costume for Violet. I am sewing a tutu onto a child's purple tank top and have a tiara as well. She really doesn't mind getting dressed up. I have been doing it since she was a puppy, and she just gives me that resigned "whatever" look.

It looks like she is finally over the ear infection. It was so bad that she was on 10 days of antibiotic, antihistamine and ear drops. I had to stop one of her pain meds for that time and she suffered quite a bit, but she is back on it now.
Our vet recommended CET Hex rawhide strips to help keep Beagle's teeth clean. A while back, Beagle stopped eating, and when I took her to the vet, they couldn't find any reason why, even after many tests and X-rays. We thought we would lose her. Turns out, a whole rawhide CET Hex strip was stuck in her gut. She's now fine. She just gobbles them down, without much chewing. I started cutting them into smaller pieces, but decided it wasn't worth the risk. The problem is, Beagle expects her "cookie" after her evening meal, and Greenies or other treats just don't do it for her.

I think I have a a good alternative, dehydrated pumpkin jerky. Made some today, and she LOVES it! I used a big can of Libby's pure pumpkin and smeared it 1/4 inch thick on the fruit rollup tray of the dehydrator. I cut a circle out of parchment paper and smeared another layer on another tray. Took about 8 hours of drying, but it's chewy, lasts awhile, and hopefully Beagle won't miss her other cookies!
Sounds like you found the solution on your own. Pumpkin jerky! How about making some for humans with the proper seasonings. Sounds like you have found a treat for everyone. Even I would be willing to try pumpkin jerky. :angel:
Bet it would work, Addie, just add the usual spices, maybe a bit of sugar. Beagle gets the unadulterated stuff. Just don't dehydrate too much, it gets crunchy instead of chewy.
Bet it would work, Addie, just add the usual spices, maybe a bit of sugar. Beagle gets the unadulterated stuff. Just don't dehydrate too much, it gets crunchy instead of chewy.

If you decide to try it, I would be very interested in the recipe. I don't have a dehydrator, but I could use the oven. My oven has a setting for "warm, 150, and 200ºF."

My mouth is watering! :angel:
If you decide to try it, I would be very interested in the recipe. I don't have a dehydrator, but I could use the oven. My oven has a setting for "warm, 150, and 200ºF."

My mouth is watering! :angel:

:LOL: Now you've given me an idea for the homemade pumpkin puree I have in the freezer. I'll mix it with pie spice and brown sugar and see how it turns out! Your low oven should work fine for pumpkin jerky.
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:LOL: Now you've given me an idea for the homemade pumpkin puree I have in the freezer. I'll mix it with pie spice and brown sugar and see how it turns out! Your low oven should work fine for pumpkin jerky.

YUM! A great snack for watching TV. :angel:
I had to euthenize my little Maltese tonight. My heart is broken. He was such a sweetheart and I am going to miss him terribly. We were pretty sure he was going to die, but he was peaceful and didn't seem to be in pain so we were just waiting it out. He has not eaten for a few days. He was drinking water up to last night. None today at all. Around 9PM he had a violent seizure. Blood was coming out of his mouth, then he just seemed to be in a coma. Breathing, but his eyes were not focused. Our vet was closed so we took him to the Vet ER in the next town. There was no way we wanted him to go through the night after that seizure. He is at peace now, but I can't stop crying. I miss my baby.
I had to euthenize my little Maltese tonight. My heart is broken. He was such a sweetheart and I am going to miss him terribly. We were pretty sure he was going to die, but he was peaceful and didn't seem to be in pain so we were just waiting it out. He has not eaten for a few days. He was drinking water up to last night. None today at all. Around 9PM he had a violent seizure. Blood was coming out of his mouth, then he just seemed to be in a coma. Breathing, but his eyes were not focused. Our vet was closed so we took him to the Vet ER in the next town. There was no way we wanted him to go through the night after that seizure. He is at peace now, but I can't stop crying. I miss my baby.

Oh Carol, I am so sorry. I'm crying too just thinking about your pain, and your poor little guy. RIP.
I had to euthenize my little Maltese tonight. My heart is broken. He was such a sweetheart and I am going to miss him terribly. We were pretty sure he was going to die, but he was peaceful and didn't seem to be in pain so we were just waiting it out. He has not eaten for a few days. He was drinking water up to last night. None today at all. Around 9PM he had a violent seizure. Blood was coming out of his mouth, then he just seemed to be in a coma. Breathing, but his eyes were not focused. Our vet was closed so we took him to the Vet ER in the next town. There was no way we wanted him to go through the night after that seizure. He is at peace now, but I can't stop crying. I miss my baby.

So sorry for your loss, Carol.
I just had to share, wish I could have gotten at least a picture. My lunch was some of the leftover pot stickers from last night. Heated them up and drizzled the dipping sauce over them since I was eating at my desk. The empty plate was sitting on my desk and every once in a while I'd reach over and swipe up some of the sauce (which I love and could almost drink) and lick it off my finger. It's a soy sauce, dark sesame oil, hot sauce mixture. Little Miss Mindy was sitting and watching me do this. After a while, she comes slinking across the other desk to get to the one I was working at, goes behind my monitor and sticks her nose to my plate, smells it for a few minutes, watching me out of the corner of her eye to see if I was going to shoo her away. I didn't because I wanted to see what she would do. Finally, she decides to try it with just a tongue tip barely swipe. Guess that wasn't enough of a taste so she took a full swipe. OMG, she jerked her head back, scrunched up her nose, started smacking her mouth, turned around and took off the way she came. Told Craig she must think I have a messed up palate. Wish I could have gotten a video.
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