Opening Cans

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I despise electric can openers for whatever stupid reason. I think that I just mainly view them as eternally "dirty" & full of toxins...who knows exactly...just that I avoid them. I actually just use a military-style, rustic little metal bit-o-nuttin to open my cans. They work just fine for me. BUT, the biggest, most scariest, problematic issue turned out to be from opening a can of tuna. It was the kind that had the "pop-off-lid"...sounds purty simple, right??....Well, about 2 months ago, I was in the middle of "twisting" one of these lids off, when my DH came in the room, & it distracted me...I was looking at him & talking, while twisting this lid, &, managed to nearly sever my thumb from my left hand. I took a peek at the wound, &, just knew it was a "good-un"...I promptly bandaged my hand (knowing that in all actuality I needed stitches), & managed to staunch the blood flow. I kept the wound clean, & let it repair on its own. I do believe that I was quite lucky those few mended 100%, but...Jeezy Creezy...please, people BEWARE that something as simple as twisting a lid off from a can CAN be quite serious!
i don't have can opener issues. mine is with all the products that have a paper or foil cover that must be peeled off. it never comes off in one piece. that's not to bad on a can of coffee creamer. but on a yogurt or pudding it is messy to pull off in bits. a small thing but it annoys the h==out of me.
Chuck Norris' can opener.
It will open five cans at once.


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The OXO Good Grip can opener is good but I had a Culinare Magican can opener that fits onto the top rather than the side of the can and it was brilliant, lasted around 3 or four years which I reckon isn't bad in a 5 person household including more than a passing interest from the dog.
Ever since Del Monte started using the pull top lids on their cans, my can opener gets used once or twice a month.
Gee, I have the wall mount Swing A Way hand held, and a Hamilton electric can opener. I use the electric one mostly. The magnet to hold the lid never works. The whole works comes off for cleaning. I have used those Army can openers. They never fail. And are easy to clean. Also used those ones that you went around the rim like the Army ones. Only they had a handle. Getting that point to penetrate the can required strength. Since my mother had polio as a child, I had to open all the cans for her.

I have had my hand held Swing A Way for 35 years. It has traveled from Washington, to Hawaii and back to Massachusetts with me. It is like an old friend. But it is time to get rid of it. The blade misses more than hits. It is so worn down. The wall mount was here in the apartment when I moved in. And the Hamilton was a gift from my son. The only problem I have with the hand held is that I open cans with my left hand, and handhelds are for right handers. So I open cans backwards. It is awkward for folks to watch me. Even electrics are for right handers. :rolleyes:
Why is it that I can never properly open a can of food? Almost always two spots on the can refuse to open with a good hand held opener. I remember when I was a kid we never had that problem. My dh says that it's just the aluminum cans are so cheaply made that they don't function well. Is that the case? Or am I just inept?
Being a lefty, I've always had that problem. I blame it on the can-opener being designed for righties. My can opener gets used about 4-5 times a year. I don't use stuff that comes in cans very often.
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I use a cheapo thrift store can opener, and it seems to work OK, but...I try not to use it very often. Here in Southern California, everything is always in season, and fresh is always better. If I were a lefty, I would probably be forced to survive almost entirely on fresh.
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