Need wine help!

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Hospitality Queen
Sep 2, 2004
Southern California
Hello all :)
I love wines, however they don't love me back...or at least most of them.
I have a sulfite allergy where my tongue swells and gets painful (think of a giant paper cut in your mouth followed by salt & vinegar) and it lasts for about a day. AAAAAh!

Anyway, I've given up on reds alltogether,
however, there are a couple whites I can drink:
Sutter Home's Moscotto & also their White Zin
Edna Valley Vineyards Orange Muscat (which they discontinued) & also their Sweet Edna
Barringer White Zin.
Barefoot (trader joe's) White Zin

That's all I've found. If you know of any others that I could drink (I'm in Los Angeles County, pretty far east) Please let me know!
I'll be forever greatful!!!!! :D
Thanks in advance,
What about homemade wines? I can't drink commercial reds because they give me migraines, but I can sure swill down the homemade stuff. Give it a shot.
Merstarr - thanks for the idea - never thought of going organic. Are they tasty? I'll have to find out!

As for makin' my own - I can't imagine that one. I do make a lot of stuff, but........

Thank you two so much - always appreciate feedback!!! :)
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