Monday, 2/28/2011, What's cooking?

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DH wanted hoecakes with the white bean and mustard greens soup. We've got some bad weather coming in so I didn't want to be in the kitchen when it hit so dinner is ready early tonight.

That looks great! Looking for my spoon, I always have one!
Soup here too!!! Awful thunderstorms. Makes me want to curl up in the fetal position on the couch after dinner. :) what a wonderful idea that is!!!
No evening meal here today. I'm still too sick to drag myself out of bed and in to the kitchen. DH will fend for himself, after work, he's pretty good at that. Probably left over pizza ;-)

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I hope you feel better soon! Take care!
Change of plans here. I'm heading down to GA for some of Mama's soup!
:LOL: Thanks Fionna and pacanis! There's still some left if you hurry!

I hope you get to feeling better Somebunny.
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DH wanted hoecakes with the white bean and mustard greens soup. We've got some bad weather coming in so I didn't want to be in the kitchen when it hit so dinner is ready early tonight.

What's a hoecake? It looks like pancakes, but how are they different?

Incidentally, we had pancakes for dinner last night so this made me chuckle a bit.

Tonight is tortilla pizzas. I just firmed up the tortillas under the broiler and put out all the toppings.
lol, I didn't even notice the typo. I'm sure Mama meant hotcakes. That's how I read it... and what they look like :)
What's a hoecake? It looks like pancakes, but how are they different?

Incidentally, we had pancakes for dinner last night so this made me chuckle a bit.

Tonight is tortilla pizzas. I just firmed up the tortillas under the broiler and put out all the toppings.

lol, I didn't even notice the typo. I'm sure Mama meant hotcakes. That's how I read it... and what they look like :)
It may have been a typo, but it may not have been. A teacher I knew used to have her students make hoecakes (on a griddle) when they studied George Washington. Hoecakes are typically cornmeal pancakes, which soldiers used to cook on a clean hoe over the fire since they didn't always have a pan handy.

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You may have something there, Barbara.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. typo...I said hoecakes. Basically, they are cornbread fried like pancakes.

I got this off of the Williams Sonoma Website for y'all. This recipe is pretty close to mine except I don't put onions in mine and I use self-rising cornmeal mix:

In the American South, delicate cornmeal flatbreads known as hoecakes are a classic accompaniment to the regions signature barbecue. Originally a simple mixture of cornmeal, water and salt, hoecakes are so named for their earliest method of preparation. According to legend, early settlers and field hands cooked the cornmeal griddlecakes on the blades of hoes or shovels held over the hot embers of campfires. In other parts of America, similar breads are known as everything from ash cakes to johnnycakes. Serve these hoecakes alongside our Barbecued Chicken.


  • 1 cup fine-grind cornmeal
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 Tbs. sugar
  • 2 Tbs. finely chopped green onion, white and
    light green portion
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 2 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 Tbs. canola oil

Prepare a medium fire in a charcoal grill. Place a Griddle-Q on the grill grate. With the lid open, preheat for 5 to 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a bowl, stir together the cornmeal, baking powder, salt, sugar and green onion. Add the egg, buttermilk and butter and whisk to combine.

Pour 1 Tbs. of the oil onto the griddle and spread with a spatula. Dispense or pour the batter onto the griddle in 2-inch circles. Begin by testing 1 or 2 hoecakes to see if the griddle is hot enough; they should be done when cooked for about 30 seconds per side. If the griddle is too hot, move the coals further away from the griddle. Repeat to cook the remaining hoecakes, adding more oil to the griddle as needed.

Transfer the hoecakes to a warmed platter and serve hot. Serves 4.
No evening meal here today. I'm still too sick to drag myself out of bed and in to the kitchen. DH will fend for himself, after work, he's pretty good at that. Probably left over pizza ;-)

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I hope you get well soon. I know the feeling, I'm not feeling so good either. I won't be cooking tonight. My DH can fend for himself, but if I'm lucky, he will make me something that doesn't sound like it will make me nauseous.
Left over barbequed chicken here, some kind of potatoes and veggie. Not sure yet. Oh...I guess I had better decide quickly, almost time to get it on the table. :ohmy:
I would be concerned about that. There is significant info about the dangers of boiling/steaming foods in plastic wraps. The concern is the release of carcinogens that will transfer to the food. Many manufacturers' sites now specifically tell you not to us their product like that.

Try using a biscuit or round cookie cutter in the water to contain the egg until it sets.

Thanks Andy but I always make sure the product I use is BPA free, and I urge others to make sure, before trying, theirs are also BPA free... While I appreciate the concern, I think you would be dumbfounded at the use of commercial wrap used in oven prep in some of the finest restaurants... There are many well known chefs that still use the "poor mans soux vide technique"... :)
taxlady said:
I hope you get well soon. I know the feeling, I'm not feeling so good either. I won't be cooking tonight. My DH can fend for himself, but if I'm lucky, he will make me something that doesn't sound like it will make me nauseous.

Thanks Taxlady I hope you feel better soon too and that your DH comes up with something you will be able to enjoy.

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Thanks Fiona, Barbara and Mama for the get well wishes. I think if I had some of Mama's yummy soup, I would improve quickly! ;-)

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turkey Tetrazzini (the real white sauce, sherry, mushrooms, almonds, etc.) really good. with broccoli.
Pretty nifty, Mama. Hoecakes... whoda thunk.

My oven pizza. Good flavor, but I still need to work on a super thin crust.


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