McCormick Recipe Inspirations Review (spices on a card)

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Head Chef
Jun 21, 2007
Has anyone noticed these?
McCormick has come up with a new way to package a spice mixture!


They are separate blister packs of spices, along with a recipe card.
(Basically, it is a package of sauce mix in a new look.)

Found some cheap, decided to try them. So far, we have tried:

Shrimp Pasta Primavera
Chicken Tikki Masala

BOTH were surprisingly good! For the Chicken Tikki, I used greek yogurt instead of heavy cream, but otherwise followed the recipe exactly.

I have Carribbean Steak to try next... grilled steak and pineapple!

The Shrimp Pasta Primavera:


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I have all of the spices at home. I tried the spanish skillet and it was pretty good. I took a picture of the back of the package with my phone and since it tells you exactly what is in the package, I just measured myself.

I know this sounds really stingy but I had all of the spices and I wanted a quick skillet dinner. I tend not to be all that creative when cooking. Baking on the other hand is a different story.

I would definitely buy one if I didn't have a certain spice on hand, since these are pretty inexpensive. This is a great idea for those who don't have a cabinet full of spices. I know there have been times that I bought a spice for a recipe and never used it again.
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The thing we like is that if you want to try a particular recipe and you don't have all the seasonings and spices, it is a fairly inexpensive way to try something new without buying a whole bottle or jar of a spice you don't have on hand or likely won't use all that often.
BTW, I never thought of the cell phone trick.....Just goes to show y' can learn something new ever'where you turn.
I thought it was quite expensive for what you get. But I have most any spice or herb I ever need.
My mom actually thought of something similar to this years ago...she thought that you should be able to buy a blister pack of premeasured spices - for example, a card with a dozen teaspoons of cinnamon. I don't use a lot of spices - I even have a few of the metal cans that McCormick used to use! I only use the whole cloves as "eyes" in the butter-duck we make at Easter so I don't feel an urge to replace them with newer, fresher spices.
Yeah, I had the same thoughts... Hey I have these spices at home, and a cell phone camera......... LOLOL!
I subscribe to McCormick's newsletter and was disappointed that they would list these dishes, but wouldn't give me the recipe to read, nor would they tell me which spices were used.

I really have to check some of these out at the store, maybe even try one, but only if I get the recipe and a listing of the spices and amounts. It sounds expensive.
The cards come with a list of spices and quantities and a recipe.. handy dandy index card size!
Which ones are best so far, that you definitely want to make again?
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