Last thing that made you smile?

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My kitchen sink isn't leaking anymore! :clap: It took two calls to Kohler, and three shipments from them, to finally find all of the parts that needed replacing. I no longer have to have the spray head in the "dead swan" position (the faucet spout IS the sprayer, too) and I can take the drip-catching pan from under the sink. It took so long to get it fixed that even Himself was getting annoyed by it! :LOL: Needless to say, he fixed it right after the last part showed up today.
Funny Story

I'm sitting at my little desk and DH is looking out the window,
eyes as big as saucers,
he grabs my arm and drags me over to the glass sliding door in the back ...
"Look! Look! A Bobcat! He's coming right up to our door!"
The animal was panting, very obviously hot, and he plops himself down
on the I'm sure, nice, cool concrete slab in front of our door to rest.
So I look, and I look and I look a little closer,
UMMMM :ermm:
He whispers to me, "it's a young one!"
well, it doesn't have a bobbed tail,
it doesn't have the long tufts on his ears,
... he's got a long tail, he looks to be about 10 pounds or so,
and he has gray strips ... :blink:
"Dear, that's a CAT! It's called a gray tabby!"
I'm sitting at my little desk and DH is looking out the window,
eyes as big as saucers,
he grabs my arm and drags me over to the glass sliding door in the back ...
"Look! Look! A Bobcat! He's coming right up to our door!"
The animal was panting, very obviously hot, and he plops himself down
on the I'm sure, nice, cool concrete slab in front of our door to rest.
So I look, and I look and I look a little closer,
UMMMM :ermm:
He whispers to me, "it's a young one!"
well, it doesn't have a bobbed tail,
it doesn't have the long tufts on his ears,
... he's got a long tail, he looks to be about 10 pounds or so,
and he has gray strips ... :blink:
"Dear, that's a CAT! It's called a gray tabby!"

:ROFLMAO: Don't ever take him to live on a ranch or farm. I do hope he knows the difference between a horse and a cow.:angel:
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:ROFLMAO: Don't ever take him to live on a ranch or farm. I do hope he knows the difference between a horse and a cow.:angel:
A friend asked a young child, about five, if she knew could tell the difference between horses and cows. She said, "Sure, cows have corners." :LOL:
The mention here of a grey tabby cat reminded me of a friend whose cat was a tabby cross.... I once heard her describe it as a crabby toss! :ohmy:
A friend asked a young child, about five, if she knew could tell the difference between horses and cows. She said, "Sure, cows have corners." :LOL:
Huh, I always figured everything I saw in the field was a cow since everyone knows that horses have saddles. :huh:

Keep in mind I never saw a "belted" cow when I lived in OH...
I don't remember too much from the movie because I saw it only once, back when it came out. Of course I remember the bean scene, but just a few other scenes. Time to watch it again - I checked and it IS in our library system. Maybe after the NBA playoffs are over, at least for my team.

Speaking of playoffs, today would make most any Cleveland sports fan smile. My Cleveland Indians swept the Tigers up in Detroit. Haven't done that since 2008. Tonight, the Cavs beat the Detroit Pistons, sweeping that 4-game series. Now just to sit and wait until their opposition is done with their playoff games.
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The last thing that made me smile is coming here just a minute ago.

Thanks for being with me through my recovery, sweet folks.

I'm on my way!
There has been controversy about which flags may be waved by members of the audience at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest. They were not going to allow the Welsh, Sámi, or Basque flags, among others. The Welsh and the Sámi were particularly upset, since there is a Welsh contestant and a Sámi contestant.

Well, after many letters, phone calls, threats of demonstrations, and intervention by the United Nations, Eurovision has decided to allow those flags. Woohoo! Sure made me smile.

The Sámi flag:


Here's the announcement by ECS on FaceBook. But, still no apology.


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Heard from both of my kids yesterday, so that was nice. While talking to Loverly, however, she said "did you get my card?" Well, we have a numerically challenged mail carrier, so I told her it hadn't showed up yet. She said it would probably show up "tomorrow".

Sitting in the kitchen today, watching "The Chew", when the door bell rings, followed by a "knock-knock" at the door. When I got to the door, a lady was in the process of putting something down on the porch floor. When I opened the door, the young woman on the other side straightened up and said "I bet these are for you". Awwww.....:wub: I have a very sweet daughter! :heart: Yeah, the boy is OK, too, but not mushy-sweet like his sis.


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