Kittens climbing curtains...

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Head Chef
Mar 11, 2008
Kingston, Ontario
How in the WORLD do I keep this from happening ?!?!?!?!?!

:( Now that they are both better, they are both absolutely INSANE !!!!!!!!!!
There's some spray that you can buy at pet stores that will keep animals away from that area (usually) and so you could always try that. If that doesn't work, you might want to reconsider having cloth curtains... eek.
I have five cats currently, and have had 10 in my life time, and the truth is, they are going to do what they want to do. Eventually they will get bored. Usually once they hit about 2 years old they get fat and lazy. But until then, its like having an infant :) Never know what they are up to or capable of.

Good luck,
We will be replacing our back door (sliding door) curtains as soon as I can get some made, but I will have to wait for ours to stop climbing them first. I think they are starting to slow down a little, but they are close to a year old and still run around the house like a herd of buffalo every night right after we go to bed. They are louder than the dog (German Shepherd) when they are chasing each other! Speaking of chasing, last night I was about to get after the dog for chasing one of the cats, but before I could say anything the cat chased him back into the living room! They chased each other back and forth three or four times!

Buy a squirt gun and when you catch them in the act, give them a squirt. They'll learn quick that curtains are a no-no.
A squirt gun does work, as does a spray bottle, if you can catch them at it. You can also put paper clips or pennies in a plastic bottle (put the lid on tight) and shake it or throw it towards (not at) them. Our problem is that they like to do it while we are in bed. When I catch them on the counters, or climbing curtains, I always stop ours, but they love to take advantage of our being out of the way!

Fortunately the curtains our cats are tearing up weren't too great to start (they were there when we bought the house). If we take them down and anyone was in our back yard they might get a show, since the sliding door opens into a little hall with the kitchen visible on one side and our bedroom visible on the other! I think the next curtains I put up will be made from chain mail!

LOL! Well we have floor length curtains.. maybe I can just pin them up. However the back patio doors do get drafty at night.. I might just have to wait it out.
Most cats don't like aluminum foil; can you put some down under the curtains to keep them from that area? If they are going to be inside only cats you might consider getting them declawed. Discuss with your vet and see what he/she can suggest.
please please don't declaw. i had one that was big time scratcher.declawing seemed to throw off his balance. think if your fingers were cut off. try the noise, or water spray or what ever you decide. they usually quit as they get older. i have thomas, and never thought of declawing after the last experience.
I refuse to declaw, thanks for the suggestion though. Before I left for work today I tied the curtains along the rod so that they didn't hang.
I refuse to declaw, thanks for the suggestion though. Before I left for work today I tied the curtains along the rod so that they didn't hang.
I've done that before too, with my living room curtains. Do they have plenty of little toys to chase around the house? In addition to some of their store-bought cat toys, some of our cats' favorite toys are thread spools, the ring pulled off of a gallon jug of milk, a little bottle with paper clips in it (child-proof cap), etc. It is possible that if the curtains are out of the way for awhile and they have something else to occupy their time and energy, they may just forget about climbing them and you will be able to put them down again.

Yes, I do need to buy them more toys. They have two scratching posts, one upstairs and one on the main floor. I am thinking of buying a cat tree to climb instead of my curtains... lol

I have only had them for just over a week so their toys have yet to accumulate to the point where I step on them every 3 steps.


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Our cats love their cat tree. Our only problem is there is really only one place we could put ours because of the slope of the living room ceiling (the only other place would have encouraged them to get on the breakfast bar and kitchen counters). Ours is right next to James's chair. Needless to say, he has been surprised a time or two by a cat leaping from the top!

LOL Barbara.. I would probably put mine in the spare bedroom upstairs where I am keeping their litter box for now (empty room, moved everything out). I have my moms two cats in the basement and I think they are too young to be able to manage 3 floors of a house so far.
:) Try putting down on floor some news papers and paper bags they can rip and crawl in it will keep them busy they also might like crumbled up tin foil balls you make from cooking foil. Anything you can throw on floor they can bat around they will play with.
When I had cats, they loved empty boxes from the supermarket, they loved them so much that in one of them I made a little house, made a hole in the front. They used that as a hideout.
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