Kitchen Accident

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I had a little kitchen accident today. It was my own stupid fault. I was careless.

I was dicing onion for my pasta sauce. I had a leftover piece of red onion I wanted to use up so I was trying to slice a one third piece of an onion and it slipped and my fingers followed it as the knife came down. I still have five fingers but only 4.5 finger nails.

SO helped me wrap it. It just wouldn’t stop bleeding so it was not easy to finish the process. I keep some finger cots for cases like this but they were so old they fell apart when I tried to put one on.

You know how they say dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones? Not this time. I had just sharpened the knife I was using.

I managed to keep the nail out of the sauce.
Yeh, i hate it when craig sharpens the knives. Seems i cut myself more until i get used to them.
Andy, I'm glad to read that it was mostly a fingernail and your pride that were injured. But that finger has to have been injured a bit for there to be bleeding. I think I should replenish my stash of finger cots.
Andy, I'm glad to read that it was mostly a fingernail and your pride that were injured. But that finger has to have been injured a bit for there to be bleeding. I think I should replenish my stash of finger cots.
It's on the list for Sunday To-Dos
Andy, kitchen accidents happen--not your fault, not carelessness. It's just a good thing the accident wasn't worse. Hope you heal quickly.
Remember Julia Child dumping a raw chicken on the floor, wiping it off with her purple towel, and proceeding with the dish? That, too, was an accident. We all, even top chefs, have accidents.
Andy, kitchen accidents happen--not your fault, not carelessness. It's just a good thing the accident wasn't worse. Hope you heal quickly.
Remember Julia Child dumping a raw chicken on the floor, wiping it off with her purple towel, and proceeding with the dish? That, too, was an accident. We all, even top chefs, have accidents.
Thanks for the thought. I know it happens.
Sorry about your finger and your pride. I hope both are feeling better today. Maybe today is a day for take-out? We all need a time-out from playing with knives now and then. ;)
I sympathize and empathize with you. Been there, done that. I remember I couldn't sleep, so got up at about 4:30am and started cooking. Clearly, I wasn't %100in my awaken state, and while mincing up so parsley, a corner of my finger got minced. It was a laceration, but a corner off my finger, so nothing to stitch, so no point in waking up my wife. I after rapping up the finger, I finished cooking what I was cooking. My wife eventually came down and the first thing she said was " why its your finger all wrapped up". I told her what happened and that I didn't want to wake her. She appreciated it, but then went on to let me know how much of an ass I was ( which may be true). Glad your'e alright. Heal quickly, and get back on that horse. A few years back Gordon Ramsay cut his finger while doing a live demo on the Ellen Degeneres Show, I ironically during a Vegan Cooking Segment lol

And I just read an article about Jack Pepin, and he talks about when Julia cut herself too. I have to see if I can find that article.
Here is the link to the JP interview where he mentions that Julia cut her finger. You're in good company Andy.

"She cut a piece off of the end of her finger, and I pushed it back together. She was mad at herself more than anything else."

Here is the link to the JP interview where he mentions that Julia cut her finger. You're in good company Andy.

"She cut a piece off of the end of her finger, and I pushed it back together. She was mad at herself more than anything else."

Thanks, Larry. I really enjoyed that interview. JP is my cooking hero.
Thanks, Larry. I really enjoyed that interview. JP is my cooking hero.
Yours and mine both. Many years ago, I actually didn't like him. I thought he was too serious and had an arrogance about him. But as the years went on, after seeing the food network, the introduction of many new shows and chefs, I got to see what real attitude and arrogance was. I then attended a few of his cooking demos at food festivals and spoke with him a bit, and realized how cool and 'go with the flow' he really is. He's not showy at all in the kitchen. Not trying to push his own line of products down your throat. No fancy 'catch phrases' or commercialism... Just wants to teach you how to cook a good meal, using a few simple, fresh ingredients with proper techniques. I love watching his and Julies bantering back and forth when they cooked together. I remember a demo where he went to the fridge on stage halfway through his set just to realize they didn't stock it with all the ingredients he needed for his recipe. He was like, ok, we'll jus use this , this and that instead. And without a hiccup, continued on as if it was no big deal and completed another version of what he intended to initially make. No big deal, no attitude, no dramatics on stage, just made it work. He kinda ' chopped' himself. And not to crap on Bobby Flay, just using him as a comparison, but he did a demo ( I think at a different festival) and he had 2 of his assistants ( JP had no assistants) come out 1/2 hour before his demo to line up all his condiment bottles ( half of which he did even use) in size order, and a bunch of other showy things. His demo was perfect, but almost too perfect. You could tell his visual was equally as important as his food. His food was good, and his demo couldn't have been any more perfect ( Seemed too scripted to me). And I understand the image thing, and being a celebrity he has to live up to his on camera reputation, but as a home cook, I prefer something that I can relate too. And I love when I see things go wrong and they show you how to get out of a situation , like JP did. Anyway, sorry for rambling on and hijacking the thread. Thats what happens when you can't sleep and post in the early hours of the morning.. Hope the finger is feeling better and you'r back to 100% soon
I have been watching daily videos on Facebook of his preparing simple meals with what's on hand. They're only 3-5 minutes long but there's still a lot there.
FWIW, Jacques Pépin is so unassuming and down to earth that his home/work address is on Google maps. He lives on CT state route 79 just up the road from Madison, CT. And no, I have not been there, driven past, or in any way stalked him. :angel:
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