I Want to Lose Some Weight

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i have tried many diets, and they all work . for a while. i have found portion control is the answer. without much thought and or obsessing about food. most of us could cut the amount in half that we eat. moderate exercise to start will also be helpful. if you do not feel deprived , you usually will not over eat. it works for me and after all we live in the real world, not some ideal where we are all perfect. so have four chips not half a bag, one slice of pizza not half of one. many will disagree with me. food is a very private thing and we all need to value ourselves the way we are, while trying to be better, thinner, richer, etc.
Liz......I found the best thing for me to loose weight is the following and maybe you can incorporate some of these into your lifestyle.

I gave up pop! Let me tell you what a difference this will make in your life if you give up all sodas. I drink either unsweetened tea (add Splenda) or water.
I was never a fan of breakfast but I learnt that I had to incorporate this into my life if I wanted to loose the weight. I eat either instant oatmeal (assorted varieties) or Special K cereal with Skim Milk. At times I'll add a piece of whole wheat toast smeared with sugar free blackberry or sugar free orange marmalade.

I snack at 10 am and 2pm. I try to eat all my meals around the same time everyday......this routine keeps my metabolism reaving. I also try to avoid eating after 8pm.

Cut out fried foods and opt for grilled or oven roasted.
For snacks I love:
Vanilla Yogurt with fresh strawberry slices and top with just a little organic granola cereal
Granola Bar
** make up little snack baggies that you can keep in your car and purse so when hunger strikes you don't drive to the nearest fast food joint.

I always look at the nutritional information on packages. I try to limit my calories to 300 per meal and my snacks under 150. Pay close attention to the calories, saturated fat (I avoid above 3 grams per serving). I also pay close attention to the sugar content. Always avoid transfat and if possible hydroganated fats.
For lunches I depend a lot on Smart Ones microwave meals. One of those and a really nice garden salad really fills me up.
To protect myself from not getting all the recommended vitamins and minerals i take Once a Day MultiVitamin for Weight Loss.....it doesn't help you lose weight but gives you the necessary vitamins and minerals you might lack.
I work in a medical office and almost daily someone is bringing in lunch for our office. At first I felt guilty when I turned down their food and sat and ate my own. Don't get me wrong sometimes its hard to say no to what they bring in but I do.
I don't deprive myself fully though. I do allow one night (friday) a week to allow myself to step outside my safe zone and indulge in a little of this and that but I don't go over board.
If you do eat out you know how huge portions are.... have them bring you a to go box at the time they bring your meal and automatically pack away 1/2 or that meal. Don't be embarrassed to ask how things are prepared or if you can substitute items.
I found eating whole wheat breads really helps fill me up. When looking at the ingredients look for the word "Whole Grain" in the ingredients and make sure its the first thing you see in that list. Don't be fooled by words on the front saying Whole wheat....read those ingredients.
Also, just because something says low fat or fat free doesn't necessarily mean that so again read the ingredients. In place of hamburgers I now use my George Forman grill and grill a premade turkey patty that I season with lemon pepper and then put it on a whole wheat bun and top it with mustard and leafy greens, and what ever else sounds good at the time (ex. tomato, onion, etc...)
The internet is a wonderful source of information..........sites and articles that I venture off to for information, ideas, suggestions, etc.... are shape magazine, prevention magazine, Dr. Oz, Bob Greene and Biggest Loser.
To go along with you change in eating habits you need to incorportate exercise to boost your metabolism. I don't know if you have a treadmill but if you do then save you favorite shows you pre-record to watch when your on the treadmill........and don't allow yourself to watch it unless your on the treadmill. Or if you don't have a treadmill check into audio books and listen to this only when you walk. I'm not a huge fan of exercising myself but if I bribe myself it seems to work or if I incorportate something I love into it then I'm all for it. I love nature so I love to go hiking. I try to walk at least 5 days out of the week but sometimes I work in 6. I always give myself a day off though. Thankfully I'm able to manage reading when I'm on the treadmill so this is another way that gets me on that monster.
I hope some of my tips can help you in your quest to lose weight and get healthy.
I always look at the nutritional information on packages. I try to limit my calories to 300 per meal and my snacks under 150.

For lunches I depend a lot on Smart Ones microwave meals. One of those and a really nice garden salad really fills me up.

1200 calories a day, which by your statements are what you are getting, can deprive a body that is heavier. Calories are fuel and without fuel, your body can't burn fat. View this link to see that 1200 is the lowest minimum a woman should take and for some that is too low. From that link you can view other links that will help you calculate your needed caloric intake.

As to Smart Ones. IMO you can get far healthier meals by making your own. Have you ever looked at the sodium content on those Weight Watcher Meals? (Yes, Smart Ones are from WW). This is the nutrition panel from one random meal. The sodium alone is 27% of your daily value. That level of sodium is bad on many levels.

LizzLizz, consult a physician. Get your blood pressure checked, get a true weight, and have blood work done. You said you are young. Obesity among the young is growing because of a seditary lifestyle of video games and computers. That's proven fact. Get moving. Walk. No doctor will tell you not to walk. But go see a doctor and get his/her recommendations for you. Everyone is different. Only your doctor can tell you what is truly best for you.
LiizzLizz, you are getting some good advice and some bad advice here. We are a cooking forum and we are NOT all registered dieticians. The best advice you have received is to go and see a doctor and a nutritionist. Some of the information in this thread is extremely flawed even though well intentioned. Please see professionals and get guidance in this area. We will be better for you as a support than an information source.
Look around at various diet and exercise plans. There are literally thousands of them and they all work for someone. From those who have success it is that they finally found a plan that works for them. It is easy for people to tell you to eat healthier and exercise more, but if you could just do that, you wouldn't be posting!

Spend some time at the book store examining books on different types of diets and exercise programs. Also peruse online. There is bound to be one that fits really well with you personality type and just works for you. It is way to hard to pull one out of a hat without knowing more about you.
oops, one other comment. From your post it sounds like you are eating a lot of processed foods. Start by reading ingredient labels (don't jump to the nutrition facts, read the ingredients!). You will be amazed to read what you are actually eating. If you don't know what any of the ingredients are, don't eat it. This will immediately result in eating less empty calories.
I have tried many diets myself, and the one that worked the best was the least fun. Portion control being top of the list for weight loss, any meat you eat should be lean, protein is important to your body, but it needs to be lean. Remember, a serving of meat should be the size of a deck of cards :) 2nd would be saturated fat content. After that watch carbohydrates, don't eat anything "white" ... no white rice, no white bread, nothing with white flour, etc. Drink a lot of water, and I mean a lot. Eat brown rice instead of white, eat whole grain or 7 grain breads instead of white, no fried foods either ... real bad stuff there (even though it's one of my favorite:)) No sodas period, not even diet ... diet soda still has a ton of sugar-product that does not get processed. When you drink water, make it cold water ... it has been proven that cold water actually improves your metabolism. Not only will it help you lose weight by giving your body what it is 80% made up of ... but it increases your metabolism and fills you up. You also should treat yourself once a week with a cheat food, as your body craves things it likes like pizza, burgers, sweets, etc. Don't go overboard though, remember portion control. But it's proven that treating your body once a week helps you lose weight simply because your body will plateau if if feels it's being starved ... this should be remembered on the low calorie diet ... don't go too low, there is such a thing. If you starve ... your body over reacts and holds on to every ounce of weight it can.

Exercise is another key, start low grade with stretching ... this is a workout to someone who does not workout or is not in good cardiovascular shape. Try stretching nearly every muscle you can for about 30 minutes every other day for 2 weeks. Then work your way up to walking on the days in between for a mile ... then when comfortable, try a slow jog for 30 seconds then slow to a walk for 60 seconds, then slow jog for 30 seconds and so on for no less than 20 minutes ... anything less than 20 minutes does you very little good metabolically speaking. When exercising, always keep in mind you should be striving to increase your performance at a steady rate. After the walk/jog series of 60/30 for 3 weeks, go to 60/60, then in 3 weeks go 60/90. Do this until you can run the entire mile. After this, you start to increase distance to earn endurance which will by proxy improve your metabolism and cardiovascular health.

I'm not the picture of health anymore, I drink and eat what I want now, but I used to be. Not only was I in the military and came out in top shape, I continued my exercise to another level for about 8 more years. I learned about nutrition through constant reading, I went from a hard 180 lbs with 3% body fat, to a hard 242 lbs with about 7%-8% bodyfat (still cut and ripped). I maintained focus through competition, I out-lifted everyone around me out of determination and I could out swim or out run any of them. It was simple friendly competition that helped ... finding someone you know that would be willing to diet and exercise with you would help you immensely, if not for competition, then support is always there.

I certainly agree with all of the "See your physician" comments, everyone's body works differently, and even though I have trained others successfully (in person and not over the internet) ... I do not know your health like you and your doctor.
I certainly agree with all of the "See your physician" comments, everyone's body works differently, and even though I have trained others successfully (in person and not over the internet) ... I do not know your health like you and your doctor.

I'm so glad to hear you say that. We can all share our various experiences and offer support and encouragement, but this is so personal, and needs to be managed carefully. Make a plan with your doctor/dietician and then come and tell us about what you are working on. We will support you, offer ideas and encouragement and be a great help on your journey. It is so key that you seek professional guidance and do not rely solely on us. We are superior cheerleaders but we are not who you should look to for a plan of action.

Hang in there, screw up your courage and go see your doctor. Only the first trip is hard. And really, anyone who goes in with your plan will be applauded and you will be amazed at all the help your Dr will give. Go for it!!
The first thing to understand is we do not arrive at our weight overnight. It was most likely and slow and steady gain. We lose weight the same way: slowly. Food is comforting. I soda of any kind x 365 = 30 pounds.

Little things make a difference. It can be as simple as reducing salt, fat and sugar in ,y diet. Chew food slowly and thoroughly before swallowing and stop eating when I feel full. Eat more baked, broiled, toasted and boiled, and less fried. Cook with peanut or olive oil and not with bacon grease or lard or butter. Eat less meat and more chicken and fish. Busy hands don't think. Eat one spoonful less, walk one stop farther. Walking up and down an average flight of stairs - 12-14 steps- is great for the heart and its good for muscle tone.
I use fat free Miracle Whip instaed of mayo.

Looking in a mirror and seeing the results was better than any calorie counter or measuring cup i owned. Dying for a snack? Eat pretzels or popcorn without sugar or butter. Tired of water, tea and coffee? Try V8 or a cold can of apricot juice. A 1/2 grapefruit or a glass of tomato juice 20 minutes before dinner is helpful, too. Hard grated cheese is better than cheese slices. Cook with !% milk, It takes a little bit of getting used to but the bonus is the reducted fat content. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday. If helps flush a sluggish sytem.

It is much harder for seniors and older adults to lose wieght than it is for younger adults and teens.

There is nothing here that should hurt anyone. However the grossly obese person considering a diet should see a doctor before starting ANY regimin - as there is more to consider than the body fat.index.

Always remember, the diet that your friend loves may not be healthy for you.
For me it is all in the mind. Now that summer is nearly here it is easer to decide to cut down and enjoy the healthy way of eating more. Also not eating too late at night is a big help.
Hoo boy, me too. I've been putting it on and putting it off...time now to take it off. I've been on the stationary bike every day for two weeks, now, and started lifting weights five days ago. I know how to do this. I've also adjusted my eating habits. No grains or sugar, very little dairy and fruit, fruit only in the morning. Lots of salad and raw or steamed veggies and meat...organic beef, fish, free-range chicken...and the fruit of the chicken, eggs. Plus raw coconut oil. I'm still getting the meals organized into five or six small, rather than two or three big. Too much time between meals causes blood sugar crash. I'll let you know how it works...
I have been loosing 1-2 pounds a week and here is how it is working for me.
1) Writing everything down that passes my mouth
2) Having 5-6 small meals a day
3) Having anything I want as long as I know the calorie content
4) Making my evening meal no later than 6-8 pm on most nights
5) If I fancy pizza or fish and chips, having no fat veg soup, herbal teas and water rest of the day.
6) When I have noughty but nice treats, count them as one of my meals. ( Soon I am realizing, I rather have something savory and healthy which are much more filling)
7) Only weigh myself once a week
8) Limit the alcohol
9)and last of all I have learned to be patient. It goes on quickly but comes of slowly.
10) Ofcourse it goes without saying that exercise, walk or swim if you can.
Good luck every one!!
I'd love to trade regimens with you, but I think I am probably twice your age, which changes a lot. I'm also a recovering alcoholic (can I say that here? Oh, well), and though I haven't had any alcohol in over twenty years, the physiological anomaly that appears to be responsible for alcoholism also makes me a carbohydrate junkie. So I have to be very mindful of my carbohydrate intake. I am also trying to build muscle as I lose fat, as I lost a lot of lean mass during chemotherapy a couple of years ago.
Hoo boy, me too. I've been putting it on and putting it off...time now to take it off. I've been on the stationary bike every day for two weeks, now, and started lifting weights five days ago. I know how to do this. I've also adjusted my eating habits. No grains or sugar, very little dairy and fruit, fruit only in the morning. Lots of salad and raw or steamed veggies and meat...organic beef, fish, free-range chicken...and the fruit of the chicken, eggs. Plus raw coconut oil. I'm still getting the meals organized into five or six small, rather than two or three big. Too much time between meals causes blood sugar crash. I'll let you know how it works...

Hi Gadzooks, sounds like you are doing very well and on the right track. I too like smaller meals and love carbs but as you say I have to limit carbs and eat more protein and veg. I am not a big meat eater but like lentils, dried beans and fish.
Let us know how you get on, take care.
Thanks, Fahriye! I will gladly accept your kind words of encouragement. I have not been a big meat eater for the past few years, either, but find I need the protein to re-build lean mass that was lost.
I have to watch that my blood sugar don't go to high. Gadzooks sounds like you are doing it right. I am going on the Dash diet. It is a healthy diet, and it will limit my salt. Also they say to drink something like low sodium v8 before a meal and it will help not to eat so much. I really have to do this and I am very motivated.
You have to have breakfast within 1 hour after wake up in the morning, and stop eating anything after 6 pm. I've done this for 2 years, and I lost 10 lbs.
People can easily find weight loss pills-products or weight loss diet plans and kits from every nook and cranny. But before plunge in to any form of weight loss diet, sorted out some issues. Embarking on any diet products to lose weight it doesn’t mean slashing down calories. For loss excessive weight you must cut down the calories but you can’t compromise with your daily nutritional intake. Make healthier food selections like fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and beans, low-fat or nonfat dairy products. Avoid foods that are high in sugars such as pastries, candy bars, pies and candy.
I'm trying this LOGI method a friend recommended it. After a couple of weeks I'll tell you how it went.

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