Homemade mild Italian sausage

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I mostly use this when I have a recipe that tells me to take the sausage out of the casing. I also use it if I want sausage patties. I have never tried stuffing it into a casing. I have never tried to stuff anything into a casing. We really like this sausage mix.

Italian Sausage, Mild


500 g ground pork, preferably 20-25% fat
1 tsp salt
1/2 Tblsp whole fennel
1 Tblsp sweet paprika
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

This makes a good Italian sausage, for a better Italian sausage, add:

1 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dry, ground rosemary

  1. Grind the fennel with the salt in a mortar and pestle.
  2. Stir in the paprika and black pepper.
  3. Mix the spices into the pork, very well.
  4. Fry a small amount of the pork mixture and taste it. Adjust seasonings if necessary.
  5. Put it in the fridge for at least 12 hours to develop the flavours.
  6. Shape into patties or stuff into casings.
N.B.: If doubling the recipe, do not double the amount of salt. After frying the test sample, decide if it needs more salt.
I'd crush them at least, like with a pan bottom or rolling pan with seeds in a plastic bag.
Is there a reason to crush them? The Italian sausage I get has whole seeds. I also add whole seeds to my pork chop and kraut dish. I like the flavor boost of chewing on whole fennel seeds.
I've made Italian sausages (in casing as I got a stuffer).
Very similar recipe and very nice :)

I would also (at least) crush the fennel
Yes, and more evenly spread throughout the saausage.
If you keep them as seed, you'll only really taste it if you bite through one.
But there is no right or wrong, just personal preference
Is there a reason to crush them? The Italian sausage I get has whole seeds. I also add whole seeds to my pork chop and kraut dish. I like the flavor boost of chewing on whole fennel seeds.
It will release some of the oils/flavor. But, a lot of people don't like to bite down on the whole seeds. However, if you like that, then make it the way you like.
Basically, I crush some of the fennel and leave some of it whole. I agree, that the pop of flavour from biting a whole fennel seed is fun and tasty. But, I think that crushing them releases more flavour into the sausage. I just put the seeds in the mortar and pestle and do a lousy job of turning it into powder. ;)
Several Indian restaurants I was taken to (eons ago) put small bowls of the seeds on the table. Not sure if it's for breath or indigestion but I enjoyed chewing on them.
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