Homemade marzipan?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I tried making marzipan. I put 100 grams of almonds and 100 grams of sugar in the Magic Bullet. I ground the mess and then added a little bit of water. Surprise, surprise, it tastes like marzipan. Grainy texture, but tastes right.

I know, there's supposed to be raw egg white, but I would rather skip that if possible.

So, I was thinking that if I could make a sugar syrup that was thick enough, I could solve the graininess problem. How thick can a sugar syrup be made? If it isn't thick enough, the marzipan will be runny.
One thing that will help graininess is to process the nuts thoroughly before adding the sugar. I use confectioners sugar and I have seen some recipes that use half cane sugar and half confectioners.

Corn syrup often appears in recipes as well. I do not remember seeing at that use simple syrup, but even two parts sugar to 1 part water does not result in a very thick syrup. I would vote for Corn Syrup if its use is not objectionable. Some almond extract really boosts the flavor as well.

Almond paste is usually defined as equal parts sugar and nuts with marzipan sometimes having as much as 75% sugar, though the almond paste I made recently would work for any marzipan recipe I have ever seen.
One thing that will help graininess is to process the nuts thoroughly before adding the sugar. I use confectioners sugar and I have seen some recipes that use half cane sugar and half confectioners.

Corn syrup often appears in recipes as well. I do not remember seeing at that use simple syrup, but even two parts sugar to 1 part water does not result in a very thick syrup. I would vote for Corn Syrup if its use is not objectionable. Some almond extract really boosts the flavor as well.

Almond paste is usually defined as equal parts sugar and nuts with marzipan sometimes having as much as 75% sugar, though the almond paste I made recently would work for any marzipan recipe I have ever seen.

I'm used to the Danish definition which is no less than half almonds in "marcipan". It's something else if there is more sugar.
I usually buy the paste to make marzipan, because really smooth marzipan requires mortar and pestle work to make the paste. Start in the blender, then crush each crumbly part in the mortar. As for the egg white, it affects how the marzipan sets up as a candy. If you are making a filling or cake topping, you can get away without the firm plasticity that egg white adds, but if you are planning on sculpting cunning little fruits, don't skip the egg white. Meringue powder is a good source of sterile, shelf stable egg whites for such work.
I know this is an old thread.
BUT I've made a few loads of marzipan now, and I would strongly recomend grinding the almonds separately, preferably a couple of times. I use a ninja blender, but I believe peoplesay the best tool is one of those old fashioned hand driven nut/grain mills.

After grinding almonds the best I can, I add the powdered sugar (50/50), egg whites and lemon juice.
And then comes the real secret; tragacanth (just a teaspoon for half a kilo almonds).
The tragacanth makes the marzipan so nice and smooth to work with. No cracks!

Perfect marzipan every time. :)
TL--I absolutely HATE marzipan. I commend you for trying to make it at home. I am surprised, however, because it is sooooo sweet, I wouldn't think it would be s/thing you would use. The reason I hate it is because it is so sweet. How'd it turn out?
Hate marzipan? What kind of crazy marzipan have you had? :wacko:

Marzipan can be used for all kinds of wonderful candy.
I use marzipan like y'all use fondant. Roll it out to cake lids etc.

You can also mold a big marzipan pig and spray it pink with food coloring for christmas :pig:
Hate marzipan? What kind of crazy marzipan have you had? :wacko:

Marzipan can be used for all kinds of wonderful candy.
I use marzipan like y'all use fondant. Roll it out to cake lids etc.

You can also mold a big marzipan pig and spray it pink with food coloring for christmas :pig:
I'm really not a sweets person, so I find marzipan to be gaggingly sweet. I eat 1/2 of a piece of a cake, that's enough for me (but I love ice cream!!). I understand that it is used like fondant....I've done that, but I just can't stomach how sweet it is. I like how it can be colored, but I just can't eat it. My bad. One of those things that I use when making things for other people, but I just can't eat.
I'm really not a sweets person, so I find marzipan to be gaggingly sweet. I eat 1/2 of a piece of a cake, that's enough for me (but I love ice cream!!). I understand that it is used like fondant....I've done that, but I just can't stomach how sweet it is. I like how it can be colored, but I just can't eat it. My bad. One of those things that I use when making things for other people, but I just can't eat.

I am with you on the gagging sweets. I have never been a sweets person. And when I became diabetic, giving up sweets was not a problem. I take a very small sliver of cake and can never finish it. And most of the time I leave the frosting on the plate. Yet I am the one who makes all the desserts for the family on holidays. I never lick the beaters, bowl or even my fingers when I am baking. And since there are no small kids here anymore, everything goes right into hot water immediately. :chef:
I am with you on the gagging sweets. I have never been a sweets person. And when I became diabetic, giving up sweets was not a problem. I take a very small sliver of cake and can never finish it. And most of the time I leave the frosting on the plate. Yet I am the one who makes all the desserts for the family on holidays. I never lick the beaters, bowl or even my fingers when I am baking. And since there are no small kids here anymore, everything goes right into hot water immediately. :chef:
Addie--I'm with you--I love to make desserts, I just don't eat them!!! Good thing, otherwise I'd weigh 400 lb. As it is, I still wear the same size I wore 30 years ago.
TL--I absolutely HATE marzipan. I commend you for trying to make it at home. I am surprised, however, because it is sooooo sweet, I wouldn't think it would be s/thing you would use. The reason I hate it is because it is so sweet. How'd it turn out?
I never got around to making it. I don't find it all that sweet. It isn't as sweet as most icing.
Hmmmm...must be just me, I find it horribly sweet--maybe not sweet, but overwhelming re: the flavor? Hate it. But I like almonds, just not marzipan.
I understand. I like hazelnuts, but hate anything with crushed hazelnuts, like Nutella or Ferrero Rocher.

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