Help Identifying this Asian 'Spinach' Plant

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I thought I had posted this earlier, but I must have clicked on the wrong thing.

Anyway, I was in the Asian market picking up a few things for dinner the other day, and I needed some spinach to compliment the chard I have in the garden ( not enough to pick at the moment for one dish so needed a little extra).

I came across what looked like a variety of spinach , so I picked it up, used it, and sure enough it tasted just like spinach.

Now having known that, Im curious to exactly what t is. Here are a few observations along with a few pics and descriptions.

- First off, I got it in an Asian market that only carries Asian specific produce ( other than carrots) so Im pretty sure its an Asian variety green/ spinach of some sort.

- Leaves are arrow shaped with a relatively long stem

- The stems are at about ta 2 to 1 ratio in length to the leaves, they are hollow and fragile and in clusters of about 8 - 10 all joining at a common root. ( Kinda like chard where the leaves grow in clusters with Long stems. Smaller leaves coming from the center).

- Im curious if it is an aquatic plant or soil based.

- Cooked has the same taste and texture as spinach ( no sharpness, mustardy or cabbage like flavors at all).

One pic shows the arrow shaped leaves. The other pic is after I cut off all the bigger leaves. I put the remains core of smaller leaves in water hoping to root them.


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Larry, that looks exactly like the spinach I grew (in soil) this spring. Think I still have the packet down in the shed. Will check it out later.
It's unbelievable how many greens you find in an Asian market! It looks familiar, and I have probably gotten it before in one of the markets, but I have never grown it. Unfortunately, the largest online source for Asian seeds - - has gone out of business. You probably could have found that there.
BTW, I tried that "Japanese Spinach", but that wasn't it - that had longer, skinny stems. And, like all spinach types I have ever grown, it bolted fast, both outside, and in the hydroponics.
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