Happy Birthday Meryl

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Meryl hope your family are all there and they are doing the preparations! Must be almost 90 (32c) there now, hope it's going to cool off later so you can all sit out.


Happy Birthday, @Meryl !
Enjoy your special day!

Thank you @dragnlaw , @pepperhead212 , @Andy M. ,@Marlingardener ,@msmofet ,@taxlady , you are all so very sweet.

Didn't do much but was looking forward to my daughter coming home, she arrived last night while I was in bed, and we haven't seen each other yet. So the day was particularly exciting,as we were in touch constantly during her train journey, as she was getting nearer and nearer to home.
Still blazing hot, nearly rained yesterday afternoon but didn't in the end , just overcast and lots of thunder "noises" while some other areas nearby were having a refreshening storm.
This week I'll be cooking our local specialities that she's been missing. I baked a cake for her with some of those pears, which is typical of our areas, I'll post a photo once we cut the first slice, to get a better view. 😀
That looks very yummy! Would you care to post a recipe for it over in umm... LOL, don't know which to recommend- so your choice. LOL There is cakes and/or fruits.
When you have time! Sounds like you're gonna be busy this week.

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